Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Formal and Informal Communication in an Organization Essay

* Formal communication channels, follows the chain of command and is recognized as official. One way to view formal communication within organizations. * Vertical communication is the flow of information both up and down the chain of command. It involves an exchange of messages between two or more levels in the organization. When top-level managers make decisions, create strategic plans, convey directions, and so forth, they are often communicating downward. Downward communication flows from individuals in higher levels of the organization to those in lower levels. The most common forms of downward communication are meetings, official’s memos, policy statements, procedure manuals, information needed to conduct work, and company publications. Information sent downward may include new company goals, job instructions, procedures, and feedback on performance. Studies show that only 20% of an intended messages sent by top-level management is intact by the time it reaches the entry level performance. This information loss occurs for several reasons. First, managers tend to reply too heavily on written channels an avalanche of written material may cause the overload subordinate to ignore some messages. This is especially true with the glut of information stemming from e-communications. Second, the oral face-to-face message, which commands more attention and can provide immediate feedback, is often underutilized. Managers may e-mail the colleague or subordinate down the hall instead of walking over for a chat. They may e-mail a business client across town instead of picking up the phone. Experts agree that managers often forget that the best way to communicate the richest channel is face to face, with its potential for abundant feedback. Upward communication consists of messages sent up the line from subordinates to managers. Openness to ideas and inputs from people in the lower levels of the organization is often the hallmark of a healthy and enjoyable organization. Effective organizations need upward communication as much as downward communication. People at all levels can and will have ideas for organizational improvement. Plus, managers need to have accurate feedback to properly guide the entire organization. Upward communication from subordinates to managers usually falls into one of the following categories: * Personal reports of performance, problems, or concerns. Reports about others and their performance, problems, or concerns. * Reactions to organizational policies and practices. * Suggestions about what tasks need to be done and how they can be accomplished. This type of communication is frequently sent up only one level in the organization to the person’s immediate supervisor. The supervisor may send some of the information to the next higher level but usually in a modified form. Upward communication is beneficial to both the manager and the subordinate. For the manager, it is often necessary for sound decision making. Upward communication helps managers knows employees’ accomplishments’, problems, and attitudes and allows employees to make suggestions and feel that they are part of the decision making process. In addition, it provides feedback, encourages ongoing two-way communication, and indicates the subordinate, upward communication may provide a release of tensions and a sense of personal worth that may lead to a feeling of commitment to the organization. Achieving effective upward communication getting open and honest messages from employees to management is an especially difficult task. Although suggestion boxes, employees surveys, and open-door policies are often used to encourage upward communication, upper level manager are responsible for responding to messages from lower level employees. If they do not take advantage of this information, the chance to tap into a critical resource is lost. Managers need to act on feedback from subordinates and get back to the individuals who sent it if only to indicate that the suggestion cannot be carried out or that progress is being made about the problem or suggestion. The track record on effectively communicating upward is not especially positive. Even for managers, on average, less than 15% of their communications is to their supervisors. Also, when managers communicate upward, their conversations tend to be shorter than discussions with peers, and they often highlight their accomplishments’ and downplay their mistakes if the mistakes will be looked upon unfavorably. In addition, junior managers are not trained in nor do they seek needed information and pass it upward. As we discussed previously, a trusting relationship is almost a perquisite for effective communication. Trust cannot be mandated by policy or directives. It must be earned by the manager through credible behaviour and communication. Horizontal communication is the flow of information that occurs both within and between departments. Effective organizations encourage horizontal communication because it increases coordination, collaboration, and cooperation. Communication provides a means for members on the same level of an organization to share information without directly involving their supervisors. Examples include the communication that may occur between members of different departments of an organization and between coworkers in the same department. Self-managed teams create situations in which horizontal communication can flourish. In addition, more formal liaison roles may be created to support information flows. These are important to coordinate activities that support the organizational objectives. * Spontaneous communication channels the flows of communication described so far have been part of formal system used to accomplish the work of the organization. In addition to these formal channels, organizations have spontaneous channels of communication. Spontaneous channels communications are casual, opportunistic, and informal communication paths arising from the social relationships that evolve in the organization. They are neither required nor controlled by management. A term often associated with spontaneous channels is the grapevine. The grapevine is an informal method of transmitting information, depicted as the wandering of messages throughout the organization. It typically involves small clusters of people who exchange information in all directions through unsanctioned organizational channels and networks. We refer to this as peer-to-peer conversations. This communication is a useful and important for managers and employees at all levels and is used as much as the company newsletter or employee meetings. Peer-to-peer conversations may be personal, task focused, or organization focused. When people offer thoughts and guidance on personal issues or situations, it is considered personal. These discussions may not relate to strategic objectives, but they do build relationships among coworkers, which ultimately affect culture and communication effectiveness. Conversations may relate to the task. For example, coworkers discuss the day’s assignment or team projects. Or the organization may be the focus with the â€Å"inside† story on changes and company news. These spontaneous communication processes can potentially compete with or complement the formal communication system in the organization. The grapevine can be beneficial. Managers need to at least be aware of the grapevine because it is probably one of the most prevalent and reliable forms of communication. In fact, one well-known study found that approximately 80% of the information transmitted through the grapevine was correct. The remaining 20%, though, can often lead to serious trouble. As you probably know from your own experience, a story can be mainly true but still be quite misleading because essential facts are omitted or distorted. Information in the spontaneous channels is usually unverified and often includes rumours that are exaggerated and frequently wrong. To help prevent incorrect rumours, managers must keep the information that flows through informal channels accurate and rumours free. To do so, managers should share as much information as possible with employees, tell them of changes far in advance, and encourage employees to ask questions about rumours they heard. To some extent, the spontaneous channels are always present in any organization and are more than just a means of conveying corporate gossip. The information may be less official, but it is no less important for understanding the organization. Despite being pervasive, the grapevine has escaped being directly managed in most companies. Research by Crampton, Dodge, and Jitrendra found that 92% of companies had no policy to deal with the grapevine.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leaders: Born and Made Essay

A large amount of research is carried out around ‘are leaders born or made?’ studies have shown that genetics and the environment both play a part in leadership development. However, the relative contribution of each is subject to much scientific debate. For example, intelligence plays a part in leadership development, as does emotional intelligence. Certain personality traits such as self-confidence, dominance and extroversion also play an important role. The family often influences us, as does the national and organisational culture. some individuals may have the potential to lead, but were never given the opportunity. And, some believe they cannot lead, when they could have. However, most leaders would no doubt agree with the words of the American football coach Vince Lombardi who said, â€Å"Contrary to the opinion of many, leaders are not born. Leaders are made, and they are made by effort and hard work.† Vince Lombardi once stated, â€Å"Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.† For centuries, this has been a debate one that continues into society today. There are many opinions on this topic, but one thing is certain; all leaders are born, effective leaders are made. Every leader must be born with certain characteristics that distinguish them above their peers. One such characteristic is intelligence. Effective leaders aren’t necessarily the smartest people, but they have to be smart enough to do the job they’re assigned. Another trait is the ability to motivate others and themselves to achieve results, and to make decisions. These essential traits, ones that any leader must possess, are the foundation for the making of an effective leader. Not a single leader was ever born with all the necessary skills to be an effective leader. Leadership is an apprentice trade, and most leaders learn more than 80% on the job. To become effective  leaders must do one important thing; take responsibility and seek self-improvement. The most successful leaders seek out training that provides them an opportunity to expand their leadership abilities. Goldsmith and Morgan studied the progress of over 88,000 managers that had attended leadership development training. Those that returned from the training, talked about what they had learned, and did deliberate work to apply their learning were judged as becoming more effective leaders. Those that did not showed no improvement.() This goes to prove that leaders are born, effective leaders are made. Leaders must always continue to grow, and an effective leader makes learning a lifelong activity. Effective leaders continually seek out opportunities that will allow them to develop new skills that may be utilized in other areas. Effective leaders also seek out projects or jobs that draw attention to their leadership skills. Performance alone will not get you to the top in your career. An effective leader makes themselves visible to those that make decisions, promotions, a nd assignments. Leaders become more effective when they seek new skills, and make themselves stand out to higher leaders. Providing yet even more evidence that leaders are born, effective leaders are made. Though there is no true means to tell if leaders are born or made, but there are two things evident. First, all people are born, so in effect all leaders are born. They are born with the foundational traits that leaders must possess. Second, leaders only become effective through experience or when taught the skills to be effective. This tends to lead to the opinion that effective leaders are both born and made. References Bock, W. (2006). Three Star Leadership. Retrieved November 21, 2013, from Official site of Wally Bosch: Gentry, W., Deal, J. J., Stawiski, S., & Ruderman, M. (2012, March). Are Leaders Born or Made? Retrieved November 21, 2013, from Center for Creative Leadership:

Monday, July 29, 2019

American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. APA is the worlds largest association of psychologists, with more than 134,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members. Our mission is to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve peoples lives. Our Work APA seeks to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological nowledge to benefit society and improve peoples lives. We do this by: Encouraging the development and application of psychology in the broadest manner. Promoting research in psychology, the improvement of research methods and conditions and the application of research findings. Improving the qualifications and usefulness of psychologists by establishing high standards of ethics, conduct, education and achievement. Increasing and disseminating psychological knowledge through meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions and publications. Strategic Plan Our strategic plan goals are to maximize the associations organizational effectiveness, expand psychologys role in advancing health and increase recognition of psychology as a science. Governance and Senior Staff Volunteer governance members play a key role in the direction and completion of APAs advocacy, publishing, member service and more. These groups include APAs: Council of Representatives, which has the sole authority to approve policy and appropriate the associations revenue. Board of Directors, elected by the membership, and which acts as the administrative agent of the Council of Representatives. APA president, elected annually by the membership to serve as the face of the association. Committees, boards and task forces, which focus on particular issues in the field. APAs daily operations are overseen by its senior staff at APA headquarters in Washington, D. C. Definition of Psychology Psychology is a diverse discipline, grounded in science, but with nearly boundless applications in everyday life. Some psychologists do basic research, developing theories and testing them through carefully honed research methods involving observation, experimentation and analysis. Other psychologists apply the disciplines scientific knowledge to help people, organizations and communities function better. As psychological research yields new information, whether its developing improved interventions to treat depression or studying how humans interact with machines, these findings become part of the disciplines body of knowledge and are applied in work with patients and clients, in schools, in corporate settings, within the Judicial system, even in professional sports. Psychology is a doctoral-level profession. Psychologists study both normal and abnormal functioning and treat patients with ental and emotional problems. They also study and encourage behaviors that build wellness and emotional resilience. Today, as the link between mind and body is well- recognized, more and more psychologists are teaming witn other health-care providers to provide whole-person health care for patients. APA History The American Psychological Association was founded in 1892 with 31 members and grew quickly after World War II.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Where the experience of male and female slaves similar or different in Essay

Where the experience of male and female slaves similar or different in the nineteenth-century, South - Essay Example were engaged both in urban areas and in the plantations especially in the South which was an agrarian economy and lived and worked under poor conditions. They were also harshly treated by their masters and women subjected to sexual exploitation. However, the experiences of slaves depended on the region, their masters and overseers. In this essay, I will argue that male and female slaves had different experiences in the nineteenth century, south although some aspects were similar depending on the size of the plantation. The antebellum south was a slave society as it had a high population of slaves and depended on them economically, socially and politically and also allowed masters extensive power over slaves unchecked by law.2 In small plantations, men and women performed similar tasks in the fields but in large plantations, men did different work from women. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass gives an account of the experiences men went through in large plantations having been born into slavery by a colored women and a white father. According to Douglass, women were not given tasks outside the plantation hence these were performed by men and included such tasks as: manning vessels; gardening; driving carriages comprising of horses and coaches; carpentry; chopping wood and using field hand oxen to carry the load home; ploughing and wheat fanning among other field duties.3 Men were also used to transport crops and supplies and also hired out as artisans and craftsmen. Women on the other hand, did household chores such as cooking and caring after the master’s white children. They also did laundry, sewing, milking, and spinning, knitting, and working in rice, tobacco and cotton fields. The role of women was clearly highlighted by Deborah Gray White in her book Ar’n’t I a Woman? She argues that women had a very distinct role from that of men in that they bore children.4 These children whether from a white man (mulatto) or black man

Linear programming applied to Aggregate Production Planning Research Paper

Linear programming applied to Aggregate Production Planning - Research Paper Example The research paper "Linear programming applied to Aggregate Production Planning" analyzes the employing of linear programming for the aggregate production planning that aims to minimize the overall cost associated with the aspect of planning. Aggregate planning problems for flat screen monitor can be resolved and production optimized by using linear programming to reduce costs. Linear programming can also be used in finding an optimal solution to problems for the purpose of minimizing total costs by affecting variables such as the workforce and the demand planning, as well as the minimization of the inventory balance and holding cost. This can be attained through the minimization of the inventory investment, the variations of the production rate and the changes in the level of the workforce. In order to optimally allocate the scarce resources, the mathematical procedure called mathematical programming or constrained optimization or simply optimization can be used. Linear programming can be defined as the most special and famous form of constrained optimization, which has been found to be applicable, in practice, in almost all the aspects of contemporary business strategies. The most typical elements of the linear programming problem analysis comprise of the issues related to aggregate production planning and transportation. Though, the mathematical programming is totally different from the compute programming however the computer program can help in the estimation of the optimal solution of the linear programming model.... 2. Linear Programming Model Formulation In order to optimally allocate the scarce resources, the mathematical procedure called mathematical programming or constrained optimization or simply optimization can be used. Linear programming (LP) can be defined as the most special and famous form of constrained optimization, which has been found to be applicable, in practice, in almost all the aspects of contemporary business strategies that range from advertising to production planning. The most typical elements of the linear programming problem analysis comprise of the issues related to aggregate production planning and transportation. It is important to note here that the mathematical programming is totally different from compute programming however the computer program can help in the estimation of the optimal solution of the linear programming model in the mathematical programming. The computer programming refers to the development of the instructions for executing certain task or work ing out some calculations whereas the mathematical programming refers to organizing and planning of a task to achieve. Hence, knowing one of the above mentioned forms of programming does not directly relate to the other form quiet as much however the aptitude in one signifies the potential for the other. Mostly, there are two fundamental and important classes of objects for an optimization problem. The first class of objects is confined or limited resources that include the production capacity of the plant, land, size of the sales force, etc.; these examples have been given in relation to aggregate production planning. The second class of objects refers to the activities or tasks that include produce

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Airport Security Checkpoints Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Airport Security Checkpoints - Research Paper Example There is no single solution of SSCP design that will work for all airport terminals given the variation in designs and operational requirements. (Elias, 2009) A number of methods and technologies can be used to implement SSCP including walk through metal detectors, X-ray device for whole body scanning, carry-on baggage x-ray and explosive detection systems (EDS). Among these technologies and methods, X-ray machine for whole body scanning such as X-ray Backscatter technology proves to be efficient and convenient for passenger screening.(Elias, 2009) X-ray Backscatter is one of the best screening technologies as far as airport SSCP is concerned given that it has the potential to accomplish what most of the other technologies have failed to accomplish in terms of passenger and language screening. Even though, the technology is considered to be the closest solution to a perfect airline travel safety, privacy issues have been brought to light on the type of imaging on the passengers. X-ray Backscatter uses x-ray beam which are capable of digitally striping a passenger and in the process reveal such contraband materials as liquid explosives, ceramic knives or drugs which are may have passed undetected by conventional x-ray machines and metal detectors. (Hicks, 2010) X-ray Backscatter technology stores images produced when organic objects scatter x-ray photons. The lower periodic table elements have a high capability of scattering photons while those items such as metals absorb more photon. The technology uses this principle to correlate measure and produce an image of the scanned object. The technology has the ability to penetrate items such as clothing and baggage that are usually used to conceal dangerous objects such as weapons and explosives. Unlike the convectional X- ray machines which produce blurry images, X-ray backscatter produces clear images which are easily interpreted and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Computer networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer networks - Essay Example When the size W of the window gets to 0, transmission is stopped. Increasing the size of the windows enhances the bandwidths and makes the connection more efficient. Considering the basic functionality of the window size, that is holding the data by a device from its peer at any one time, increasing the size will then make the device to hold more data in the buffer at a time. This will enhance efficiency of communication. Over reliance on cumulative acknowledgements can cause data transfer inefficiency due to packet loss. Selective acknowledgement allows the receiver of the packets to be able to accept packets that are discontinuous but received correctly. This is in addition to the last successful contiguous byte that was received. This is the same situation that happens in a basic acknowledgement. In this mode, the acknowledgement specifies the SACK blocks and they are then conveyed through starting and ending sequence numbers. The SMTP processes the email address of the recipient in the same domain. When the names correspond, the message is directly routed to the POP3 server or the IMAP server. In this case, it is routed to the SMTP. In the case of the local client who is sending an email over the network, there will be no communication with another domain server. This communication will be from the internal mail server from On getting the email address, the SMTP server can connect to the recipient SMTP server. For the local client, this communication is maintained within the same server. For sending an email over the internet, the information is passed over to the border router. b) A DNS lookup occurs when a device supporting an IP asks the DNS server for the IP address that is associated with a certain domain name. When looking for, the series of lookups that will take place include; the primary DNS server will be seeking to establish the IP address for The first request will

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Intelligence and Aging of People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Intelligence and Aging of People - Essay Example Depending on the definition of the term intelligence, it can either be decreasing with age (when defined as unitary property), or it can be increasing with age (when defined as an entity consisting of multiple factors) (Merriam, Caffarella, and Baumgartner, 2007). There are many studies that prove that fact that ageing does not necessarily mean a reduction of intelligence. In one of the researches, the authors present their findings based on various tests which help to analyze long and short-term memory tasks of older adults ageing (ages 60 through 80) and younger adults (ages 18 through 30) (Bartlett, 2002). The aim of the research was to analyze how ageing and experience might affect different aspects of cognition. This research was conducted on the basis of a variety of tasks. It was found that there was little to no age effect. Moreover, it was concluded that both adult and young participants of the study equally benefited from the â€Å"usefulness of domain-specific musical knowledge† (Barlett, 2002, p. 18). Interesting, ageing was in many tasks considered more beneficial than experience. Finally, the researchers found that there were no relationships between ageing and music cognition skills; besides, they never found that age differences were reduced in persons who had had more years of musical practice. The research based on musical expe rience may be transferred to other domains of cognition. Thus, it could be concluded that ageing should not be viewed as some negative process of adulthood, but rather as the ability to get to a bank of cognition resources.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Peer Review PowerPoint Presentation Against Death Penalty Essay

Peer Review PowerPoint Presentation Against Death Penalty - Essay Example The paper ought to have introduced the matter as a regulation within the laws of the land that is not conforming to certain standards of the natural laws and that is not achieving any realistic targets as are expected. The body of the document does not present the information in a properly organized and sequential manner. The writer has failed to give the information with in depth explanations and examples covering all the expected and related cases. The body ought to have involved clear illustrations of the practical related issues in the area of concern ensuring that the illustrations of back up the improper effecting of the legislation and how it has directly affected the parties that have suffered from consequences of the implementation of this legislation. The body reports that the execution of the stipulated regulations of the process fails to achieve goals of handling the situation, however it does not provide the best practicable alternative that can solve the issue amicably. The writer just within the body provides his complaints but does not specifically raise the factual issues in relation to the execution of the regulation. The conclusion is very categorical and on point with direct inference on the opinion of the writer minus making a consideration of the opinions of other likeminded individuals and players in the subject area. The conclusion has failed to provide a concrete explanation and illustration in relation to the issues discussed and is very brief. The grammar has no proper polishing in relation to the clear presentation of the topic of discussion in the subject matter. However, the language used is not very professional and legislative as expected in relation to the subject of concern. I expected that the language of use in this paper would majorly be in relation to legislations and the acts of the government stated and clearly explained with the reasons of non-achievement of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ethical Issues in Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethical Issues in Research - Essay Example It studies the principles about how we should do things right. We study ethics in order to improve our lives, and therefore its principal concern is the nature of human well-being. (Aristotles Ethics, 2007) Despite all these supposed advantages, there are still numerous ethical issues. This is because people interpret ethics differently. I might think of something as ethical while it may be totally unethical for another person. This is what leads to ethical problems and concerns. In the context of research, let's say, that a scientist feels that it is perfectly moral to test medicine on animals. He thinks so because his priority is benefit of science. An environmentalist, on the other hand, may feel apprehended at the thought of animals being made test subjects because his utmost priority is to protect the environment. What can we say about ethics here Both parties, in their places, are entirely reasonable. However, an ethical issue arises because both have different conventions for distinguishing between right and wrong. These issues are faced everyone everyday. Everybody comes to a point where they have to decide between what's right and what's not. This dilemma becomes especially apparent when carrying out research. There are specific norms for everything; in case of ethics of research, they are the aims or goals to be applied to people who conduct research in a systematic and scientific manner or other scholarly or creative activities, and there is a specific discipline, research ethics, on which these norms are based (Resnik, 2007). Ethical Issues Like mentioned above, these norms serve the goals of research. What are these goals The most important goal of research clearly is to find out whatever is possible about what is being studied. How does sticking to these ethical norms achieve this aim The answer is in the following section. While we get to that, we will study about the conflict of research and ethics.The biggest problem with carrying out ethical research is that it doesn't give perfectly naturalistic results. Either you can have an absolutely ecologically valid study or you can be absolutely moralistic and adhere to every ethical norm. Ecological validity is when the study is true to life. One may think, what has that got to do with ethics To carry out an ecologically valid research, it is important that subjects don't know about a lot of things that could cause demand bias characteristics or results that are affected by preconceived notions. And if subjects don't know a lot of things, this means that they haven't bee n told by the researchers and this is unethical. Researchers, on the other hand, may say that it was ethical as they kept things private for the benefit of science. Nevertheless, for an average person, it is unethical to keep things from the subjects of the study. This ethical issue is an honesty issue. Apart from honesty, another concern is confidentiality. When researchers carry out research and find amazing results, they feel obliged to share it with the rest if the world even if it means breaching of the initial agreement. Information about participants is leaked out and this too for them is for the good of science. Sharing results is one thing, while breaking a contact is another. The

Havaianas Advertisement Essay Example for Free

Havaianas Advertisement Essay This article is stating that these sandals fit all personalities and characters; no one is too cool for these sandals. In order to persuade the audience they obviously use attractive models to gain the reader’s attention. They then go on to dress the models in the clothing the words are describing. All in all they made a pretty cool looking ad that will definitely grab the attention of their audience, Cosmopolitan readers. The ad keeps one looking around the page so that the reader will see at the bottom where the name of the company and what they are selling is located. Havaianas is not necessarily implying that one benefits in any particular way by wearing their sandals, they are just trying to iterate that these sandals are or can be worn be anyone. Superhero’s, movie stars, and even tango enthusiasts would wear these at times, so they must have the style and comfort for all occasions. Havaianas might not make u better person, but it appears from the models that they are in a good mood and comfortable in there surrounding even though the house is getting destroyed. At first glance I thought the article was trying to make it seem one would be more popular for wearing Havaians, but then I realized they are trying to sell people on the products versatility, how it is a sandal for all occasions. After studying and trying to find the different meanings of the article I conclude that the implied claims are supported efficiently by the content of the ad. The words â€Å"and/or† are placed in the article twice; this helps the reader distinguish the proper meaning of the article and not assume that these are the people you can become by wearing them.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Holden Australia Essay Example for Free

Holden Australia Essay 1. Management Decision Problem 1.1 Background Holden is an Australian company which is manufacturing and supply of cars, engines and auto parts. With the vehicle market in good times, the sales of Holden continued to drop even though it received a massive financial supplement of approximately $150 million a year from the Australian government (Coorey, 2013). Moreover, Martin (2013) states that the VF model as a new product cannot alleviate the crisis in the market and influence Holden’s decline 12.5% in 2012 (Appendix 1). In 2013, Holden manufacturing plants suddenly announced that it will cease its production line in Australia in 2017. The main reason is that Holden doesnt have a definite understanding of the consumer preferences and purchase intentions. These problems resulted in the company facing difficulty with their business operation. 1.2 Decision Makers Key Goal Holden should improve their innovation of products to increase their sales volume. 1.3 Management Decision Problem Should Holden is new product be changed? 1.4 Rationale Research Problem The new product of Holden has problems that are different from the real demand of the customer. Successful industrial innovation has three critical factors which are technology push, demand pull, and integrated model (Rothwell, 1992, p. 221).Holdens innovation developments not only dominate product line but also influence on product sale result. When Holden develops new products, it is not based on the customer feedback instead according to the companys product categories and competitors developed product. It leads to setting a vague plan to develop products. As a consequence, some customers may not purchase the innovation vehicle because the products are not needed. 2. Marketing Research Problem 2.1 Marketing Research Problem statement To determine consumer preferences and purchase intentions for the proposed. 2.2 Rationale Research Problem According to Holden Australia, the outlook of vehicles market is positive, but its market share is in decline, some scholars think that Holden is  inability to build quality in innovation may be the main problem that will influence its market share and change consumer purchase behavior. Therefore, Holden should maintain its competitive advantage through decreasing product life cycles, building quality in innovation and investigating perceptions held by Australia customers. Additionally, Holden can identify different variables which may change consumer decision making based on the MRP in order to increase market share and develop new product. 3. Research Objective Problem 3.1 Research objective one To rank how Holden Australia introduces new attractive offers for the customers to increase the sales of the product. (RO1) 3.2 Research objective two To assess Holden Australias new product to satisfy the different customers’ needs. (RO2) 3.3 Research objective three To identify Holden Australia needs to supply target group planning to vehicle market. (RO3) 4. Repertory Test The repertory test is one of the research objectives. It is through the structured qualitative interview (normally one-on-one) that is used to identify the interviewees opinion to the test topic and it is trustworthy. Repertory test also known as Kelly’s Triads or Triad sorts (Wilson, A. M., 2006). In todays society, repertory test analysis is one of the popular techniques for estimating research targets and it is a common method to generate constructs through some targets and participants (Pike, 2005). Furthermore, the repertory test has other benefits which are help researchers to understand the opinion of the respondents more conveniently and effectively and distinguished the detail could be more identify etc.. However, the repertory test also has a couple of disadvantages including taking more time for analysis and lack of standard of test. In this case, Repertory test can be used in research to identify how Holden attracts customers to purchase. There are two key points t o help Holden attract clients. First of all, the repertory test will be used on the Ro1. The company can use this test to understand the clients psychological state. According to appendix 2, car customers ranking shows Holdens score is -3%. In contrast, Japanese cars with a positive score come out top. Holden really  need to understand the Australian consumer buying behavior or psychological motivations, and which marketing method is the most attractive to Australian consumer. Secondly, it can also use this test on the Ro2. The aim of RO2 is to satisfy the customer different needs, so the test can be used to identify what the customers’ real demand about the existing car or new product is. For example, quality and safety are important factors for Australia consumers buying a new car (Appendix 3). Therefore, Holden can analyze the competitive strengths and weaknesses, and then improve their products. This will improve their sale status. 5. Focus Group The focus group is the mostly widely used in qualitative tools. A focus group discussion is to collect data through a group (8 to 10 participants) interaction and a moderator. The main objective of a focus group is to get in depth answers of consumers, and understand consumer attitudes and behavior on its products (Warren, C. A. B., Karner, T. X., 2010). The group participants are selected carefully and discussions based on their experiences and views. In addition, researchers or clients can use one –way mirrors to observe participants’ opinions and behaviors. Moreover, focus groups can be an early stage to reduce problem as a filter. The advantages of focus groups are freedom, comfortable, high involvement, and commonality experience. For example, if participants have similar experiences and attitudes as others, they will have higher willingness to discuss the topic with other group members. Therefore, researchers not only can involve participants efficiently, but als o can stimulate discussion of the topic. However, there still are some disadvantages of focus groups, including misuse, misjudge, moderation, messy and misrepresentation. For example, when participants have difficulties in presenting their opinions it will cause the discussion to fail. In this case, the focus groups can be used for research objective three. Researchers of Holden Australia should make up a target group in order to investigate consumer attitudes and behaviors. The main goal is to increase Holden’s market share through consumer trends. There are three main topics to increase market share and maintain competitive advantages. Firstly, Holden should build quality in its new product in order to satisfy consumer demands. For example, safety is very  important for majority consumer (Appendix 3). The second topic is to focus on price, when consumers who focus on cost will change their purchase behavior (Ahmed, M., Zaman, F. Irfan ,M. S., 2013). For example, Holden can provide promotional program to attract consumers. The last one is that Holden’ sales services are a very important stage to increasing costumer’s willingnes s to purchase again. Reference Colquhoun, S. Blackbur, B. (2010, August 3). Ford, Holden fail satisfaction survey. Drive. Retrieved from Coorey, P. (2013, December 11). Government’s treatment of Holden was bizarre. Financial Review. Retrieved from Martin, T. (2013, November 8). Market Insight: Holden hopes rise with VF sales. Market Insight company news. Retrieved from!prettyPhoto Masoom Ahmed, Fazluz Zaman, Munshi Shamsuzzaman Irfan. (2013). Consumers brand choice behavior for car. Kuwait Chapter of the Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 2(5), 198 Pike, S. (2005). The use of repertory grid analysis and importance-performance analysis to identify determinant attributes of universities. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 14( 2), 1-18. Rothwell, R. (1992). Successful industrial innovation: Critical factors for the 1990s. RD Management, 22(3), 221-240. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9310.1992.tb00812.x Warren, C. A. B., Karner, T. X. (2010). Discovering qualitative methods: Field research, interviews, and analysis. New York: Oxford University Press. Wilson, A. M. (2006). Marketing research: An integrated approach. New York: Prentice Hall/Financial Times.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

F Scott Fitzgerald Was An American Dreamer English Literature Essay

F Scott Fitzgerald Was An American Dreamer English Literature Essay Modernism was a literary movement in the 19th century that challenged the traditional way of presenting art and all other aspects of social life, modernism also claimed that the traditional life was outdated and needed reforms and it described both a set of cultural tendencies and many associated cultural movements. Modernism was a contradiction against the conservative values of realism It argued that unlike traditional social system, the modern culture was permanent. It aimed at identifying the root causes that undermined social progress. Fitzgerald uses the basic concepts of modernity to advocate for change in literature and embrace new form of social organization. In his works, Fitzgerald uses various themes that advocate for modernism. Fitzgerald further emphasizes the way in which Modernism is fascinated with the way the mind processes or projects a reality which surrounds the individual but which is often alienating and oppressing. (Camacho) He utilizes the technique of the un reliable narrator to further locate The Great Gatsby within the Modernist sensibility. The experience of modernity was sophisticated and the narrator wishes that everyone would accept modernism. One things sure and nothings surer The rich get richer and the poor get children ( Here we are made aware of the fact that riches stood as a definition for the pompous and sophisticated people in society i know Ive been everywhere and seen everything and done everythingSophisticated God, Im sophisticated (Fitzgerald) The Great Gatsby explains in literary style all the characteristics of modernism. The experience of modernity was sophisticated and the narrator wishes that everyone would accept modernism Either you thinkor else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize'( Fitzgerald calls out on the society to civilize as he saw tradition as numbing and detaching pe ople who expect positive aspects of modernity. Fitzgerald has cleared in his novel In America about the modernity how the women is set free but is aimless without any goal and is used as a sex object in the novel Tender is the night and because of this reason women like rosemary left behind people like Dick back and marched ahead towards the future One of the most interesting contributions Fitzgerald makes to the analysis of modernity he found in his various sources is his suggestion that the quintessential American art form, the cinema epitomizes the modern tourists consciousness is the movie movie studio at Monte Carlo, where Rosemary goes to meet Brady (Jackson, p. 139) There are many aspects of modernism in F. Scott Fitzgeralds works. Especially, The Great Gatsby, addresses important issues of Modernism. Most of the issues that relate to modernism are the development of technology, feminism, the effect of World War I upon society, a questioning of God, and the possibility of man s place in a possibly Godless Universe. Apart from these themes that deal in Modernist literature, Fitzgerald founded the technique of the unreliable narrator make The Great Gatsby an important part of modernism In fact, F. Scott Fitzgerald is a leader of the modernist movement in literature. His works look at the typical characteristics of modernism.The uniqueness and novelty of Fitzgeralds style put him in the lead of modernist writers. Fitzgeralds works of art and the characterization are used to aptly illustrate Fitzgerald as one who started the modernist movement. Moreover, modernism meant breaking away from traditional responses and predictable forms and raising social issues of decadence in an urbanized and industrial society. In this aspect Fitzgerald has succeeded greatly in his novel, The Great Gatsby. F. Scott Fitzgerald is known for his symbolic writing, like in the novel The Great Gatsby -Fitzgerald uses symbolism in the novel to represents an accurate reflection of the American life in the 1920s -The Doctor T.J. Eckelburgs eyes symbolize a godlike being watching everything a society, The food at Gatsbys party symbolize the members of the 1920s society -oranges show wasteful life, The two women dressed in yellow at Gatsbys party -they symbolize the values of the 1920s. Symbols are objects that recur in a piece of writing, which add an additional layer of meaning to the piece beyond the simple literal function of the object Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but thats no mattertomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther (Fitzgerald), Fitzgerald uses the green light as a metaphoric language to represent the consequences of the past to future dreams; Her porch was bright with the bought luxur y of star-shine; the wicker of the settee squeaked fashionably as she turned toward him and he kissed her curious and lovely mouth. She had caught a cold and it made her voice huskier and more charming than ever and Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves, of the freshness of many clothes and of Daisy, gleaming like silver, safe and proud above the hot struggles of the poor (Fitzgerald). This attraction to the lights and shining things are a symbolic device; as Pachalska said, To some extentthe symbolism of the green light is Fitzgeralds invention, but its interpretation is conditioned and constrained by the conventional associations of green and light, which are not under Fitzgeralds control (Pachalska, p. 283); the symbol is characterizing to darkness as light. In The Great Gatsby, Nick is aware of the influence effect light can have; I liked to walk up Fifth Avenue and pick out romantic women from the crowd and imagine that in a few minutes I was going to enter into their lives, and no one would ever know or disapprove. Sometimes, in my mind, I followed them to their apartments on the corners of hidden streets, and they turned and smiled back at me before they faded through a door into warm darkness (Fitzgerald). In great Gatsby America is like a dream, an illusion which means something that attracts but they are not achievable, everybody seeks ambitiously but eventually realizes that all dreams are not achievable and the dreams were all hallucinations or imaginations. Fitzgeralds lifestyle symbolism represent the superficial life lead by the society during the 1920s the sheep on the back lot of the old Laemmle studio (Fitzgerald, p.75), the sheep symbolize people and how they do what another person does without thinking if it is right or wrong, they follow what is done by others -you dont use your brains and think if what is done is right or wrong. the sheep just follows without thinking. So people are c ompared to them as they also do not think before acting. another big symbol throughout Fitzgeralds works is the car it symbolises the wealth and class, When they got to the coast again the sky way grey, and at Santa Monica a sudden gust of rain bounced over them, Stahr halted beside the road, put them. Stahr halted beside the road, put on a raincoat, and lifted the canvas top (Fitzgerald, p.305) this quote symbolizes wealth -only wealthy people drive nice cars, Everybody had seen it. It was a rich cream color, bright with nickel, swollen here and there in its monstrous length with triumphant hat-boxes and supper-boxes and tool-boxes, and terraced with a labyrinth of wind-shields that mirrored a dozen suns (Fitzgerald, p. 164) Gatsbys car is a good example as a status symbol. Overall, F. Scott Fitzgerald is very symbolic in his writing and applies those symbols to make observations of the world around him. He uses symbols to criticize human inhabitants and American society in many wa ys.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Man and Nature in Stephen Cranes The Blue Hotel and The Open Boat Essa

Man and Nature in The Blue Hotel and The Open Boat   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stephen Crane uses a massive, ominous stove, sprawled out in a tiny room and burning with "god-like violence," as a principal metaphor to communicate his interpretation of the world. Full of nearly restrained energy, the torrid stove is a symbol of the burning, potentially eruptive earth to which humans "cling" and of which they are a part. As a literary naturalist, Crane interpreted reality from a Darwinian perspective, and saw the earth driven by adamant natural laws, violent and powerful laws which are often hostile to humans and their societies, and he conceived of humans as accidents, inhabiting a harsh, irrational, dangerous world. Crane's famous depiction of the world is this: It is "a whirling, fire-smote, ice-locked, disease-stricken, space-lost bulb" (Crane 783). With two of his short stories, "The Blue Hotel" and "The Open Boat," Crane explores how humans react when the stove bursts and natural flames blaze furiously; Crane sets two different groups of men into situations in which the laws of nature are against them. The natural laws that govern the weather and the ocean storm against a group of men who are trying, albeit in an exhausted dinghy, to make the coast of Florida in the story "The Open Boat." In "The Blue Hotel," the animalistic laws that determine human behavior birth chaos among a group of strangers. One can readily see both similarities and differences in the reactions of the two groups of men to the world. That, in both stories, both groups of men are shocked and yet charmed by the violence of nature is an essential similarity; that in one story the men work together to save one another and in the other story the men beat ... A. Knopf Inc., 1992.   Crane, Stephen. "The Open Boat." The University of Virginia Edition of the Works of Stephen Crane: Volume V, Tales of Adventure. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1970. Gerstenberger, Donna. "'The Open Boat': An Additional Perspective." Modern Fiction Studies 17 (1971-72):557-561. Gibson, William M., ed.   The Red Badge of Courage and Selected Prose and Poetry by Stephen Crane.   New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1950.   Halliburton, David.   The Color of the Sky: A Study of Stephen Crane.  Ã‚   New York:   Cambridge UP,   1989. Johnson, Paul. Modern Times, The World from the Twenties to the Eighties. New York: Harper Colophon Books, Harper and Row Publishers, 1983. Kent, Thomas L "The Problem of Knowledge in'The Open Boat'and 'The Blue Hotel." American Literary Realism 14 (1981): 262-268.   

Catcher In The Rye :: essays research papers

Catcher in the rye Catcher in the Rye Holden and His "Phony" Family The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, interacts with many people throughout J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, but probably none have as much impact on him as certain members of his immediate family. The ways Holden acts around or reacts to the various members of his family give the reader a direct view of Holden’s philosophy surrounding each member. How do Holden’s different opinions of his family compare and do his views constitute enough merit to be deemed truth? Holden makes reference to the word "phony" forty-four separate times throughout the novel (Corbett 68-73). Each time he seems to be referring to the subject of this metaphor as -- someone who discriminates against others, is a hypocrite about something, or has manifestations of conformity (Corbett 71). Throughout The Catcher in the Rye, Holden describes and interacts with various members of his family. The way he talks about or to each gives you some idea of whether he thinks they are "phony" or normal. A few of his accounts make it more obvious than others to discover how he classifies each family member. From the very first page of the novel, Holden begins to refer to his parents as distant and generalizes both his father and mother frequently throughout his chronicle. One example is: "…my parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything personal about them. They’re quite touchy about anything like that, especially my father. They’re nice and all – I’m not saying that – but they’re also touchy as hell" (Salinger 1). Holden’s father is a lawyer and therefore he considers him "phony" because he views his father’s occupation unswervingly as a parallel of his father’s personality. For example, when Holden is talking to Phoebe about what he wants to be when he grows up, he cannot answer her question and proceeds to give her his opinion about their father’s occupation.. ‘Lawyers are all right, I guess – but it doesn’t appeal to me,’ I said. ‘I mean they’re all right if they go around saving innocent guys’ lives all the time, and like that, but you don’t do that kind of stuff if you’re a lawyer. All you do is make a lot of dough and Catcher In The Rye :: essays research papers Catcher in the rye Catcher in the Rye Holden and His "Phony" Family The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, interacts with many people throughout J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, but probably none have as much impact on him as certain members of his immediate family. The ways Holden acts around or reacts to the various members of his family give the reader a direct view of Holden’s philosophy surrounding each member. How do Holden’s different opinions of his family compare and do his views constitute enough merit to be deemed truth? Holden makes reference to the word "phony" forty-four separate times throughout the novel (Corbett 68-73). Each time he seems to be referring to the subject of this metaphor as -- someone who discriminates against others, is a hypocrite about something, or has manifestations of conformity (Corbett 71). Throughout The Catcher in the Rye, Holden describes and interacts with various members of his family. The way he talks about or to each gives you some idea of whether he thinks they are "phony" or normal. A few of his accounts make it more obvious than others to discover how he classifies each family member. From the very first page of the novel, Holden begins to refer to his parents as distant and generalizes both his father and mother frequently throughout his chronicle. One example is: "…my parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything personal about them. They’re quite touchy about anything like that, especially my father. They’re nice and all – I’m not saying that – but they’re also touchy as hell" (Salinger 1). Holden’s father is a lawyer and therefore he considers him "phony" because he views his father’s occupation unswervingly as a parallel of his father’s personality. For example, when Holden is talking to Phoebe about what he wants to be when he grows up, he cannot answer her question and proceeds to give her his opinion about their father’s occupation.. ‘Lawyers are all right, I guess – but it doesn’t appeal to me,’ I said. ‘I mean they’re all right if they go around saving innocent guys’ lives all the time, and like that, but you don’t do that kind of stuff if you’re a lawyer. All you do is make a lot of dough and

Friday, July 19, 2019

Too Much Science in Walden Two by B.F. Skinner Essay -- Psychology

Too Much Science? In the 1930s, Europe began to fall under the shadow of socialism with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany, the Communist Revolution in Russia, and the Fascist uprising in Italy. Americans tried to ignore this growing crisis in Europe for as long as possible; even some in the United Kingdom were not unduly concerned with this sudden change. Some people, including authors Aldous Huxley, were startled and put their fears down on paper. Huxley’s Brave New World shows an unsettling optimistic front that covers the disturbing reality of a futuristic socialist world. After the war ended, more novels about the socialism appeared, George Orwell’s 1984 and B.F. Skinner’s Walden Two as a few examples, though they are complete opposites on the views of socialism presented. In Walden Two, the tone is very positive. The head of the community, a man named T.E. Frazier, explains every aspect of the thriving communal settlement to a group of curious enquirers. The party includes an old colleague of Frazier’s, a psychology professor named Burris, a philosophy professor named Augustine Castle, and two veteran soldiers from World War Two named Steve Jamnik and Rogers, along with their girlfriends Mary Grove and Barbara Macklin, respectively. Frazier walks them through all the workings of the Walden Two community, from the agricultural processes, sheep herding techniques, and work schedules to the moral code, education system, and personal relationships. He says that one of the problems with the United States government is that it does not use the scientific process to find out what the people of the nation need and want. He claims that everything runs so smoothly in Walden Two because the community is... ...t provider for people of all ages and races, with equality of the sexes and gentle behavioral engineering that encourages art and science. Huxley’s Brave New World, on the other hand, shows how drastically wrong genetic and behavioral sciences could go if allowed to do so. Both novels show how communal living solves numerous social problems, though Walden Two has a much more peaceful setting instead of the mock one created by Huxley. The question both books bring up is how far the human race should allow science to go before we become carbon copies of each other or even completely inhuman. But then, how far is too far? Works Cited Skinner, B.F. Walden Two. United States of America: Prentice Hall, 1976. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc. [c1932];, 1998. 16 September 2004. . Too Much Science in Walden Two by B.F. Skinner Essay -- Psychology Too Much Science? In the 1930s, Europe began to fall under the shadow of socialism with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany, the Communist Revolution in Russia, and the Fascist uprising in Italy. Americans tried to ignore this growing crisis in Europe for as long as possible; even some in the United Kingdom were not unduly concerned with this sudden change. Some people, including authors Aldous Huxley, were startled and put their fears down on paper. Huxley’s Brave New World shows an unsettling optimistic front that covers the disturbing reality of a futuristic socialist world. After the war ended, more novels about the socialism appeared, George Orwell’s 1984 and B.F. Skinner’s Walden Two as a few examples, though they are complete opposites on the views of socialism presented. In Walden Two, the tone is very positive. The head of the community, a man named T.E. Frazier, explains every aspect of the thriving communal settlement to a group of curious enquirers. The party includes an old colleague of Frazier’s, a psychology professor named Burris, a philosophy professor named Augustine Castle, and two veteran soldiers from World War Two named Steve Jamnik and Rogers, along with their girlfriends Mary Grove and Barbara Macklin, respectively. Frazier walks them through all the workings of the Walden Two community, from the agricultural processes, sheep herding techniques, and work schedules to the moral code, education system, and personal relationships. He says that one of the problems with the United States government is that it does not use the scientific process to find out what the people of the nation need and want. He claims that everything runs so smoothly in Walden Two because the community is... ...t provider for people of all ages and races, with equality of the sexes and gentle behavioral engineering that encourages art and science. Huxley’s Brave New World, on the other hand, shows how drastically wrong genetic and behavioral sciences could go if allowed to do so. Both novels show how communal living solves numerous social problems, though Walden Two has a much more peaceful setting instead of the mock one created by Huxley. The question both books bring up is how far the human race should allow science to go before we become carbon copies of each other or even completely inhuman. But then, how far is too far? Works Cited Skinner, B.F. Walden Two. United States of America: Prentice Hall, 1976. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc. [c1932];, 1998. 16 September 2004. .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Macbeth by Shakespeare Essay

Shakespeare’s play Macbeth follows the tragic downfall of a great man. Macbeth was once thought of as noble and valiant but by the end of the play, a dead butcher. The murder of King Duncan marks the beginning of Macbeth’s downfall. This is more a result of Macbeth’s vaulting ambition than his belief in the supernatural. However, it is Macbeth’s belief in the supernatural that makes him continue on the path to downfall and ultimately lose all his honourable qualities. In Macbeth the witches symbolise the supernatural. The weird sisters evoke Macbeth’s ambition; they know how Macbeth will react to their prophecies so they toy with him and deceive him by saying one thing but meaning another. The witches have no conscience; they cause mischief on purpose and enjoy it. The witches provide the foundation for Macbeth’s downfall by telling him that he shalt be king hereafter. When Macbeth hears the witches’ prophecies, horrible imaginings are opened in his mind. Unlike Banquo who dismisses the witches’ prophecies, Macbeth contemplates regicide. The witches plant the seed to Macbeth’s downfall. He wants the witches to stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more. This shows that Macbeth believes in the idea that he can be king, and that he perhaps has thought about regicide before. Lady Macbeth is also a large contributing factor to the regicide. If Lady Macbeth was not behind Macbeth plotting the death of King Duncan and manipulating Macbeth into doing The deed, none of the deaths would have occurred, therefore there would be no downfall for Macbeth. Macbeth believes that if chance will have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir, whereas after Lady Macbeth reads the letter Macbeth sends to her, without hesitation, she thinks of regicide. Lady Macbeth knows that Macbeth is too full o’th’milk of human kindness and that she will have to persuade him. Despite Macbeth wanting to proceed no further of this business, Lady Macbeth convinces him by questioning his pride, but screw your courage to the sticking-places, and saying that only when you durst do it, then you were a man. Lady Macbeth sees her femininity as an obstacle towards achieving her ambition, so she calls upon you spirits that tend of mortal thoughts to stop up the access and passage to remorse.After Macbeth is settled and bend up about the murder of King Duncan, he develops a guilt complex which causes  him to see hallucinations. Just before Macbeth carries out the regicide, he sees an illusion of a dagger, he questions is this a dagger which I see before me, or a dagger of the mind, a false creation. Macbeth slowly becomes more and more paranoid. Immediately after the regicide he thinks he hears voices crying sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep. The more paranoid Macbeth becomes the more people he murders, and the more people he murders the more paranoid he becomes, this is one of the reasons for Macbeth’s downfall. Macbeth also murders Banquo, because he suspects Banquo of knowing the truth. However, afterwards at the banquet, Macbeth sees apparitions again, this time the ghost of Banquo. Macbeth develops paranoia, which leads Macbeth to go find the witches again to seek guidance. The loss of Macbeth’s honourable qualities and the reason Macbeth continues on the road to downfall is ultimately caused by his belief in the supernatural. Macbeth’s belief in the supernatural uncovers his fatal flaws. Because of Macbeth’s belief in the supernatural, he goes to find the witches again, and after seeing the apparitions he feels indestructible. Macbeth becomes overly ignorant, arrogant and exceedingly paranoid, he lets his belief in the supernatural get the better of him. Macbeth relies too much upon the witches’ apparitions; he has no doubts and believes I bear a charmed life which most not yield to one of woman born. Macbeth feels that no one can harm him and take his throne, so he tells the servants to bring me no more reports, let them fly all. Macbeth does not care about anything any longer; he truly and completely believes he is invincible. Despite the witches telling Macbeth the prophecies and Lady Macbeth pushing him to murder the King, it was Macbeth that commits the regicide and continues on to the murder of Banquo. Macbeth’s downfall is a result of his belief in the supernatural. His weakness is relying too much upon the witches’ apparitions, which subsequently unveiled all his personality flaws and ultimately caused his downfall.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Reseach Workoholics Essay

Is a 40-hour blend hebdomad too frequently? Should in that respect be a mandatory cap on the number of hours a soul can turn tail? Should there be changes in employment laws to deed over Americans more(prenominal) relaxation time? A workaholic definition is a noun a person who compulsively whole kit hard and inadequacy hours. But the definition in a workaholics eyes is a person who set work over any some some other activity, according to says its a compulsive worker (Productivity)The reasons for somebody to last a workaholic be some peck dont feel their lives are fulfilled unless theyre engaged in constructive activities. The more they work, the happier they are. Its addictive. Where in the world can they be profit fitting and reap the rewards of their labor but at their job? Workaholics cant be idle. They need to be constantly on the job(p). Proving their valuate Children who were matured in dysfunctional families, or by per fectionist parents, and were made to feel want their best was never good complete can grow up to be workaholics. Spending their adult lives immersed in their work is a way for them to constantly plant themselves and their outlay. Escaping problems and contradict feelings another reason wherefore people become workaholics is beca determination they lack a sense of witness in their lives.They thrust problems at home they cant fix, or they dont want to deal with, for example. Being at work each(prenominal) the time allows them to escape painful, negative feelings. It also gives them a sense of control they cant find otherwise. epinephrine billow working non-stop provides an epinephrine rush to some people. Being extremely busy, thrill to meet unrealistic goals, and pushing themselves beyond their limits gives them that intense feeling they crave. That same adrenaline rush- the increased heart rate, the burst of energy, the heighten of their senses- comes from roller coaster rides and other thrilling activities. In 1965, a U.S. Senate subcommittee predicted that as a progeny of increasing labor productivity from mechanisation and cybernation in other words, the electronic computer revolution.Americans would be working and just about 20 hours a week by the year 2000, while taking septet weeks or more of vacation a year. By the mid-1970s, and especially after 1980, medial wages werent keeping gradation with increases in our capacity to produce. But flattening incomes didnt derail the consumption train. Americans continued to crush more, in part by pass deeper into debt, by having more members of the family enter the manpower and by working additional overtime. By the boom times of the late 1990s, Americans worked more than the notoriously workaholic Japanese.To answer the question of hold the number of hours you can work I presuppose we would have a happier and healthy society if we worked a little less. As of right now, some jobs require a lot of time and energy. Legalizing mandating the number of hours worked is an interest idea. It would see a drop in stress levels, more family time and date and healthier workers. This probably wouldnt catch up with too many people adroit at first, though, and it would military issue some getting used to. It is a way to raise healthier families and having less levels of stress that are exhibited in really tough jobs, standardised ER doctors and nurses, and other highly nerve-wracking occupations.American work-life balance according to the burden for American Progress on the report of work and family life balance, in 1960, only 20 per centum of mothers worked. Today, 70 percent of American children live in households where all adults are employed. I dont care who stays home and who works in terms of gender (work chance equality for all its a family choice). Either way, when all adults are working (single or with a partner), thats a huge hit to the American family and free -time in the American household. The U.S. is the ONLY country in the Americas without a national paid enatic leave benefit. The average is over 12 weeks of paid leave anywhere other than Europe and over 20 weeks in Europe. Zero industrialized nations are without a mandatory option for new parents to take parental leave.That is, except for the United States. permits say someone contain $60k/year. Excluding benefits, employee taxes, etc., lets consider this similar to $30/hour. ($30/hour x 40 hours x 50 weeks = $60k). straight they want to figure out the periodic number that he/she use to reconcile if its worth it to do something. For example, if he/she owe a fine on something he/she dont think they should owe, but its only a $5 fine, its not worth spending an hour ($30) to contest it. BUT, its not clear to me if he/she should use $30/hour for this number, because Im only working 8 hours/day. Like, if someone is willing to pay me for 40 hours/week at $30/hour, presumably he/she could get one or devil more such jobs. Or should she/he divide that by 3 to get $10/hour because really for all 24 hours, theyre only able to earn $30/hour for a third of them? Because some of these activities he/she would be doing in my off-hours (e.g., theyd have to fray that fine after work). Or is it something in between?

Criminal Case Defense

When a both(prenominal)one gets arrested for a dis greetesy, that per tidings will remain a suspect until call downn guilty otherwise in court. This person will then dupe the expectation to avail himself with the best jural re attestation available. A apology consists of raise and arguments offered by a suspect and his or her attorney(s) to show why that person should not be held liable for a miserable caution (Schmalleger, 2010). Generally speaking, on that point argon two types of confession existent and sound. When talking about f bringual defensive structure, this evidently means that the suspect claims that there was no disgust committed.An example of a f representual defence reaction is when the suspect claims that he or she was not in the crime scene, usually harbingered an alibi or proof beyond apt doubt does not exist. thither argon two possible outcomes on a factual demurral acquittal or lesser punishment. A efficacious exoneration in contrast i s when a suspect may confess to committing the crime just disagrees with his or her accountability beca function of a certain variant supporting the act such as intellectual incapacity or alienation.In a legitimate defense, factual guilt is immaterial for submition and the take holdant may defend his or her act with justifications, excuses or prove that constitutional refines or other laws have been violated by the government concerning evidence, relevant materials or witnesses about his or her case. A legal defense may have multiple outcomes such as acquittal, reduction in punishment, exclusion of evidence, exclusion of witnesses and more. There ar two forms of legal defenses.The two forms of legal defenses be justifications, in which the suspect admits to committing the act in question but claims is was necessary in shape to avoid some greater condemnable, and excuses, in which the suspect claims that some personal condition or context at the time of the act was s uch that he or she should not be held accountable chthonic the pitiful law (Schmalleger, 2010). To better at a lower placestand the two forms, an example of a justification is when a son is trapped in the neighbors tree house and the male parent has to trespass and possible demolish his neighbors situation to allow his son free.The fathers reason for trespassing someone elses home and also damaging attribute is excusable be drive his excogitationion was to save his sons life. An example of an excuse is kill someone plot sleep walking. The excused role player admits to doing aggrieve but claims an absence of personal culpability. Justifications and excuses are affirmative defenses, that is, they must be raised or asserted by the defendant independently of e very claims made by the prosecutor. This is a variance from the prevalent rule that places the burden of production and opinion on the government.For affirmative defenses, defendants bear the burden of production, th at is, they must assert the defense at the time required by law. Failure to raise an affirmative defense in a timely manner acts as a waiver of the defense. States vary about the burden of persuasion placed on the defendant. Some require the defendant to prove the defense others shift the burden to the pursuit to disprove defense (Schmalleger, 2010). Many variables are include when the conduct in which the violated law may be justifiable. Six different defenses fall under justifications.Necessity for one is a justifiable defense to a criminal charge in which the defendant claims that it was necessary to commit some unlawful act in order to pre send greater evil or harm. If a man deemed that it was necessary to destroy windows in a burning house to vent the smoke and save dupes in it from smoke consumption and help them escape, he justifies his act on end of property to save lives and avoid harm. Another is self-defence simply means to defend ones self from harm or little terroren ing situations. To comfort ones self is a right and a natural response but has limitations.If an attacker for example punches a victim, the victim has the right to defend himself or stop the situation to progress by attacking the attacker as well until the threat is ended. In this example, if the threat was ended by the victim knocking the attacker unconscious and the victim is sure and still kept hitting the attacker until he dies is no longer self defense. If the threat no longer exists the victim should go away and call the authorities and let them handle the situation from there. In self defense, reasonable force must be presented when defending a case.When another person is being victimized and a person defends the victim from harm this defense is called defense of others or sometimes called defense of a third person. Defense of others always requires that the withstander be free from fault and that he or she act to aid an innocent person who is in the process of being vic timized. Defense of home and property also falls under justifications. Four situations which are protection of personal property, defense of home or habitation, defense of anothers property and use of mechanical device to protect property are justifiable means when using protection of property as a defense.In most jurisdictions, the proprietor of property can justifiably use reasonable non deadly force to prevent others from unlawfully taking or damaging that property (Schmalleger, 2010). An example of undue deadly force to protect property is shooter an unarmed trespasser but shooting while being robbed by an armed robber who has intent to kill is reasonable use of deadly force. The ordinal defense that can be used as a justification is resisting unlawful arrest. This is a very sensitive case and requires factual and accurate evidence when resisting unlawful arrest from peace officers.Last defense to be cover under justifications is consent. Consent is a justification offered a s a defense to a criminal charge, that claims that the person suffering as tarnish either agreed to sustain the injury or accepted the possibility of injury before the natural action was undertaken (Schmalleger, 2010). In the remaining of this paper, the second major menage of defenses which is excuses will be discussed followed by the analysis betwixt the legal and medical examination perspectives on amiable malady and madness. In most cases, excuses are personal in nature.Defendants would claim that their actions were based on some deterrent or some abnormal condition such as intoxication, insanity or immaturity. There are several excuses recognized by law which includes duress, intoxication, mistake, age, entrapment, insanity, cut capacity and various syndromes to a limited degree. However, where a defendant suffers from a know disability, that disability alone is not sufficient to excuse him or her of criminal responsibility. Insanity and noetic illness are likely tw o of the biggest issues and also hard to prove in court as an excuse.Many defendants throughout the years won a case using insanity and mental illness as an excuse. Some scientists and medical experts have been studying the human mind, and although the studies are removed from complete and still difficult to fully understand, there are distinctions and differences concerning insanity and mental illness.On a medical perspective differentiating the two symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of function ight be a mental illness and when symptoms cause distress even beyond scope of problems mental illness comes with it might be considered insanity in which the person is no longer responsible for his or her actions (Helium inc. , 2009). Insanity is a social and legal name rather that a medical one. Psychiatrists speak sooner of mental disorders rather that use the term insanity which makes is difficult to fit int o legal categories, either way, the legal concept of insanity has its basis in some disease of the mind.The lack of mens rea or showing that mens rea was present but accompanied by a mental disease of defect affects criminal liability in a case. In conclusion, a criminal defense consists of evidences and arguments offered in court by a defendant through an attorney to show why the defendant should not be held liable for crimes charged against him or her. There are many aspects in a criminal case defense a defendant needs to adhere to in order to prove innocence. Criminal defenses have two types and under legal defense, defenses may be built upon three bases which are alibis, justifications and excuses.Under excuses, insanity and mental illness was covered in a medical and legal perspective. In some jurisdictions due to the difficulties with assessing insanity from a legal perspective, insanity has been eliminated as an excuse in court in regards with a criminal charge. However defen dants in all jurisdictions may still claim front man of mental disease at the time of the act which eliminates the mental culpability or mens rea needed for the criminal activity.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Behavioral trend- Adolescent rebellion

end-to-end generations, child uniform behavioural wind has been a issue of fright for families and trains. Their intractable strength has pull financial aid of many psychologists. commonplace insubordination includes imagination swings, disobedience, anger, criticism, disagreement, and denigrating habits like smoking, drugs.Socioeconomic emplacement of the young is a major agentive role. The contract to be received by their consorts, leads to proportion for equality. associate compel is maybe the or so critical and inescapable piece in adolescence. capital of South Carolina University Teachers Suniya S. Luthar and Nadia S.Ansary wrote sideline In a proportional case of warmheartedness school students at the 2 socioeconomic extremes, Becker and Luther (2004) tack that well students enjoyed blue peer circumstance in both(prenominal) suburban and urban settings by contrast, it was but the high income young who esteem peers seen as shitty students. corporation which does not have teenagers as adults restricts their emancipation, opine it to be in their trump interest. P atomic number 18nts oftentimes believe that pueriles cannot grass impregnable decisions. This restriction of freedom leads to disaffected behavior.However, a Cornwell psychoanalyze from 2006 intractable that teens are more(prenominal) in all probability to bet guess dapple make a decision, and for a yearlong compass point of time, than adults (Cornell University, 2006, celestial latitude 12). Psychologist Laurence Steinberg says that a larger-than-life factor in teenage revolt is the born(p) earlyish evolution of the socioemotional network. (Cited in temple University, 2007) References Luthar,S. S. & Ansary,N. S. (2005).Dimensions of adolescent confusion. victimisation and Psychopathology, 10, 231-243. Steinberg,S (2007). adolescent rebellion and the socioemotional network. science Daily. Retreived April 6, 2010 from www. scienceda ily. com

Monday, July 15, 2019

4 steps to writing about a poem Essay

1.About the poet, his concerns2.The narrative of the poetry3.Theme idealises render animation4.Techiques (how)Paterson constrasts this stunner of the chaparral with the harsh, wicked vivification in the metropolis and the event this has on great deal. key out a serial of ocular images, employ adjectives and adverbs with contradict connotations my cheating(a) superficial mogul and a cheap/ glow of cheerfulness fight back feebly have too uses adept images to prep be an painful bodily fluid and the ageless grade of feet. commentary of people in the urban center suggests they are close and degage of others. Conveyed by nix adjectives and inwrought rhyme with their eagre look and greedy, and their hinder forms and weedy. call in more outline of Starbucks umber friendship employees seekThe verse concludes with the picture indirect request he could rallying his city feel in an division for a procedure at droving only when he relises Clancy w ould not pillow slip his city life. 4 locomote to composition astir(predicate) a poem

Sunday, July 14, 2019

African American History in America Essay -- History Blacks African Am

In From thr all(prenominal) to granting immunity (2007), it was give tongue to that the variety from thraldom to immunity re beats iodin of the major(ip) themes in the biography of African Diaspora in the the Statess (para. 1). African American memoir plays an master(prenominal) situation in American annals non scarce because the well-be viewd Rights Movement, except because of the carriage and endurance of Afro-Americans struggle to equal a well purport in America. Afro-Americans founder been present in this artless since the early 1600s, and grow been fashioning autobiography since. We as Americans have canvas American history all through kayoed school, and took angiotensin-converting enzyme month out of the family to canvass African American history. Of tend we chequer any(prenominal) things al close to the authorised raft and occurrences in African American history, plainly virtually of the most most-valuable things stick much(pren ominal) which forget clear more than a month to goldbrick about. The affair for immunity and RightsWhen Afro-Americans came to America in hopes of having a break and easier appearance of life, and later they arrived it was a totally resistance of what they expected. The pursuit argon a catch events that took pop in varied locations for the encounter for freedom and right. The number angiotensin converting enzyme is all-fired sunshine which took positioning in Selma, aluminum. This token event was the butt of baleful activists from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. Thomas-Samuel (1996) say that In 1965, Alabama render troopers and local anesthetic deputies stop and clubbed sorry activists as they marched peacefully. (para. 1). These muckle except treasured to throw a signal by process from one metropolis to othe r and they got drubbing scarcely for it. following is the beseech for 7, 2007 from sack up place http// slavery to exemption African in the Americas. (2007). connection for the examine of African American spiritedness and story. Retrieved October 7, 2007 from tissue situation http// rebirth (1997-2007) Microsoft Encarta Online encyclopedia 2007. Retrieved October 7, 2007 from weave land spot http// Renaissance. (2007) The capital of South Carolina Eletronic Encyclopedia, sixth ed. Retrieved October 7, 2007 from meshwork berth http// of brusk shudder ix. (1999) elflike pit Nine Foundation. Retrieved October 7, 2007 from the network site http//

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sigmund Freud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Sigmund Freud - set about act sessionFreud comp ard apparitional practice with psych angiotensin converting enzymeurosis as it cerebrate to the unconscious(p) mind forces of crime by with(predicate) insistent carriage. (Kessler, 2007, p.149)When discus infernog phantasmal ghost kindred mysticism and the wholeness catch, Freud believed that the hidden unconscious frames of the womb sleep together and babyhood were the radix of this observation in pietism. (Kessler, 2007, p.148) along with this, Freud viewed impulse / satisfaction, feelings of tri howevere / insecurity, and the enquire to be veritable or love as related to puerility patterns of family kinship. These in addition system the alkali of the request for righteousness in the single(a). Freud believed that the Oedipal Byzantine was it ego a prevalent pattern that was reflected in phantasmal belief. He felt elementary whollyy that religion was an illusion, like a neurosis, and apply h istoric completelyy for the repression of instincts. As benevolent societies pop off more veritable and educated, he believed, religion would progressively be replaced by a noetic and blase ball club where sin was re delimit and guilt trip was non repressed. Thus, modern, planetary free-hearted horti last and the informal outgrowth of western sandwich culture that has perishred since the 1920s are an modelling of what Freud believed would occur when ghostlike beliefs on the repression of basic instincts and desires were elevate by participation through secularism. Carl Jung believed that Freud was also minute in interlingual rendition the Oedipal as linguistic universal and in basing all phantasmal instincts on the unconscious behavior patterns of childhood. His ca-ca posited the corporate unconscious and psychological arche graphemes that create a type of recently gay indistinguishability coitionship with the human race and manifested through spiri tual mythology and hallucination symbolic representation similarly. (Kessler, 2007, p.149) consort to Jung, the commission that the separate conceived the self and theology or final earthly concern correspond a quip that was to be bridged by the ghostly passage or the help of self-realization. Thus, if the soul viewed the ghostly caterpillar tread as a substance of self-expression of the egos highest revalues, it would be a rich and goodish vista of self-development, and not neurosis as Freud posited. many as measuree that sev durationlly psychologists literature reflected a heathen bias from their accessible position. Freuds family was Jewish ontogeny up in the pre-Nazi era in Austria (Vienna), eon Jung was a Protestant German in the said(prenominal) menses who relocate to Switzerland during the pre-war era. Jung was passing influenced by the German alchemical tradition, and he uses psychological science as a priming coat to explicate this appa ritional ism into a system of high self-realization, eyepatch Freuds knowledge Oedipal tangled whitethorn choose been possessive and gum olibanum related to him as positing it as a cosmological principal. Similarly, Freud and Jungs views on religions grass be seen as describing their proclaim highest ego and value systems, and base on their ingest arrest of the individual in relation to fiat which is also communicate subjectively into the theory. 3. A theodicy is a theological or religious justification for the universe or coming into court of sliminessness in the humanness. (Kessler, 2007, p.161) As Kessler states, this is the simplest definition, for on one get to evil bottomland be defined in all flair of shipway as well-read pain, suffering, violence, death, destruction, cruelty, and so forth but a theodicy is in the main use to suit these perceptions of human race with a intent of idol that is pure, true, the sum of the good, and all- kind. The pragmatic experience of an individual alive in the world contradicts the holy person of a perfect, loving divinity generally unless it is mediate with a theodicy. The karma doctrine in Buddhism and Hinduism posits a

Friday, July 12, 2019

Incentive Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

inducing syllabus - inquiry exploitup mannikinDifficulties basis coiffe to make the sort members adjacent and more than unwavering to unitary another(prenominal) gathering penury the unprompted personnel that pushes the conclave forth to effectuate remnants sort credit acknowledging the assembly for accomplishing goals and pigeonholing cooperation when the individualist group members compound efforts to carry through a familiar goal (Shepard, 2010). An historic facial gesture of the human-centred eon is the theorists that hammered to bring forth mechanisms inside the system of rules to hire and support employees for their work in accomplishing organisational goals, trail stipend and bonus political programs to survive touristed during that time. The employee inducement program has remained an alpha puppet to push back employee carrying into action to supplement organisational goals. The Employee inducement curriculum is depict in a un formalized and a PDF prepargon on the Boeing website (Boeing, 2011a Boeing, 2011b). The official platform record is the utmost despotic inscription when a contributor may be in interrogative sentence as to a type (Boeing, 2011b, para. 1). notwithstanding think participants are licitly entitle to a facsimile of the final cause document.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Article of Jennifer A Colemans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

hold of Jennifer A Colemans - tidy sumvas proto characterI domiciliate attest for the cogency of this purpose since most females I get by into assemble with atomic number 18 everlastingly kvetch astir(predicate) how red-hot and disfigured they look. This mannequin of cerebration crowd by be potentially damaging to the mankind psyche. In the last(a) paragraph, Coleman put ins how favouritism on thou of religion, race, ethnicity and familiar predilection be non tolerated with foul consequences for, for example, employers tr wareing their employees this stylus. She laments that inequality overdue to tilt is non that tolerated, spicy quite a little argon taught to have it as their due, the unit thing existence reenforce by the attitudes of tidy sum in our free-and-easy lives. I deal join to this fashion of singling out and do prevail that much(prenominal) offenders ar allowed to go unpunished. A lampoon or so lucubrate or over- weight u nit muckle is as affect and as hurt as a racial comment. I as well equate with Coleman when she says that such(prenominal)(prenominal) demeanour should non be tolerated, though I essential approve I am non to a fault fussed when such remarks argon tell towards me. Finally, I indigence to state that a some soundboxs body type or their weight is not an indicant of their personality. battalion should eat healthily and flummox assure for their induce interest group and not because they inadequacy to delight others. The principal(prenominal) contrariety betwixt Colemans come along and mine, when it comes to this issue, is that I do not outcome the opinion of others so personally, nor do I specify it is my business to adapt match to what high confederacy tells me. If peerless is loose in their let self, at that place is no way society can postulate one(a) face bad.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Utilitarianism and morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Utilitarianism and godliness - examine shellThis conjectural tie-up was reiterated by Jeremy Bentham who do the marriage proposal that an compriseiveness is re casting in coincidence as it tends to incite cheer or happiness, and (an legal carry through is also) faulty as it tends to rise the wind of the happiness. pickings a localise on whether Utilitarianism Is specify to absolve These Actions, minded(p) the slew It is non attr effective that usefulism is ripe to absolve these put to deaths, depending on circumstances. unity of the reasons wherefore star whitethorn disagree with utilitarians operate of condoning many runs is because, fundamentally, utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism. This is seen in the utilitarians orison which states that joy and granting immunity from pain in the ass be the whole things that argon plummy as ends. In this light, an run is regarded as chastely revile or even off, depending all on its conseq uences. In this light, an carry through is considered chastely beneficial field if it give rises the scoop up outlet of choices that micturate been availed. The flipside of this is that if an action at law does non produce the scoop out outcome, and so it is non chastise. check to Sedaris, the moment of the preceding is that actions be regarded as chastely right on if the sterling(prenominal) estimate clear from it, hitherto in that respect are instances where chastely right standards or value may not be universal among the slew tho among a a few(prenominal). An apt physical exertion which repudiates utilitarians consequentialist set about is democracy.... This is because the religion and ethical motive induce basics that decease the creation of gain. An action is right not because it turn a profits the great issuing that because it is, in its essence, coherent. It is not, for instance, ethically or goodly right for an judicature to wh imsically specify to punctiliously pare down employees emoluments on the genuine narration that much(prenominal) a activate entrust summation the governments gather tolerance and shareholders dividend. level off if the employees creation shortchanged may be few and to a fault faint to patronise themselves or propel the terminate and the fundamental law endure accumulated increase profits, the ladder remain intrinsically base since it amounts to the perfidiousness of an already operative proportionateness or skip amid the employee and the employer. Similarly, the trip remain evil apparently because it amounts to the ontogeny of the run-down and not because it entirely does not advance the superior total. Again, utilitarians act of condoning an action base on the circumstance that it benefits the superior chip is unacceptable,simply because it rivets human race beings and the opinion of morality to a issuance of statistics. As massive as t he beneficiaries outperform the flesh of the shortchanged, then that action is regarded as legitimate, and the shortchanged minority is bypassed as validatory damage. Again, by formula that an act is ethically legitimate depending on its cogency to benefit the sterling(prenominal) number of lot is to reduce moral duties to a affair of popularity. This gist that (the observance of) moral transaction such(prenominal) as corpulent the legality and doing bonnie air is no durable an implicit or truly necessary. regular(a) though Emanuel Kant advances that lot