Saturday, November 30, 2019

Project Management Essay Example

Project Management Essay Appraisal of an activity you believe would be Improved by managing as a project; Appraisal of an existing work project you are currently Involved with; or Appraisal of an actively you were Involved with In the past that you believe could have been managed as a project. Assignment report The assignment report should include: a) A brief description of the organizational setting and the project environment to ensure the assignment examiner understands the context in which the project is set. b) An outline of the objectives of the project and the importance of the project to the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer c) A detailed overview and analysis of the use of relevant concepts, tools and techniques involved in project management. This section should comprise the main part of your assignment and should consist of an overview and analysis of the relevant project concepts covered in the subject. At a minimum, there should be a mention of at least the following concepts: How the project should be defined How project times and costs are estimated A discussion of the project plan The management of project risk Resource scheduling Project team issues Project performance management Note that although all of these concepts should be mentioned, some of them may be more important for your particular project than others. In these instances, you should feel free to focus your analysis more heavily on the more important issues as they impact your project. Word count (from the start of the Introduction section to the end of the Conclusion section and not Including figures/charts): 2,745 words The purpose of this paper is to present a project proposal for a new project which was recently allocated to the project management team at the Fussily Medical Systems Company, Sydney, Australia. The reason for the project results from the win of a tender for a four year film/print contract between Fussily Medical and the I-Med Network and is worth $million. This entails the installation of 220 Laser Digital X- Ray Film printers in 147 sites across Australia from Darwin to Hobart and many cities and towns in between. In developing the project proposal, this paper will demonstrate what the project intends to accomplish, how the project will go about accomplishing its objectives and if indeed it is in keeping with the strategic vision of the company and consequently how important it is to the company. In proposing what work has to be done, which is the intent of the proposal, this paper will present a detailed overview and analysis of the use of relevant concepts, tools and techniques involved in project management. Generally speaking, based on the proposal, higher management will make a decision on whether or not to proceed with the project. Once the decision is made and the directive given to proceed with the project, the project plan is developed, refined and executed. Whilst the project plan is not, as far as execution and delivery is concerned, a major part of the brief for this paper some of these aspects will be discussed for completeness. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. The Companies and Project Environment Medical Systems 6 6 2. 1 Fussily 6 2. 2 The I-Med Network 6 2. 3 The Project Environment, Objectives and Importance of the Project 7 3. The Project Overview and Analysis Cycle 9 9 3. 2 The Project Life 83. 1 Defining the Project 3. 2. 1 The goals and specifications of the project tasks and responsibilities of the project 9 3. 2. 2 10 3. 3 Planning the 11 3. 3. Resource The Project 3. 3. 1 Schedules Scheduling 11 14 3. 3. The Management of Project Risk 3. 3. 5 Project Team Issues Project Performance Management 4. Conclusion Glossary References Appendix 1 Appendix 2 13 3. 3. 3 Estimation of Costs 15 15 3. 3. 6 16 17 18 19 20 Whilst project management was once the domain of the building industry, the methods used there are now also utilized in new product development, event management, larger computer hardware and software installations, major equipment installations and, in any organizational event that is big enough to have a considerable number of demands and variables. Projects have a specified objective o achieve, a start and end point, often require the bringing together of various specialists within the organization who would normally be working individually, are not part of the routine work of the organization and finally, budget, time and performance constraints are integral. Therefore projects are specific entities which require specialized management in the form of a project manager and his or her team. The first part of the process or life cycle of a project is the proposal stage where the project is defined and planned. This paper will concentrate on these aspects of project management. A detailed overview and analysis of the project will ensue so as to show what is required to bring a project together to a successful conclusion. 2 The Companies and Project Environment 2. 1 Fussily Medical Systems A pioneer in imaging, Fussily Medical Systems (FM) was the first company in the world to introduce a digital x-ray diagnostic system in 1983. Besides x-ray imaging equipment, FM also produces and markets endoscopies, ultrasound and medical IT (PASS and IRIS) solutions. FM is a subsidiary company of Fussily Holding Company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. In Australia, the head office is in Brooklet, Sydney. 2 The I-Med Network The I-Med Network or I-Med Radiology Network is a privately owned company and the largest medical imaging network in Australia with 200 clinics covering all major metropolitan areas and significant parts of rural and regional Australia. The group offers all scans and radiology services including X-ray, PET, CT, MR.., Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasound, Mammography and International Procedures. 2. 3 The Project Environment, Objectives and Importance of the Project Fussily Medical has been successful in the bid off tender for the supply of 220 X-ray digital laser film printers. The printers will be supplied and installed into 147 sites across Australia at no cost but the I-Med Network has to purchase ten million dollars value of film at a pre-set price for the duration of a four year contract. The sales figures will be monitored volume, the I-Med Network will have to pay back a penalty fee for each meter of film that has not met the target. This fail-safe ensures that Fussily Medical Systems does not lose revenue and ultimately profit on this deal. The first matter, in essence, that is part of the project to be undertaken is the preparation by the FM company solicitors f the I-Med Equipment, Consumables and Support Agreement (the agreement). The agreement outlines all the legal requirements and expectations of the project between the parties, including the maintenance, breakdown and technical support and service level offered. The finalization of the agreement is a critical step and until this is signed and settled by both parties nothing else will proceed. There were two other major companies bidding in this tender namely Gaff Healthcare and Kodak. This deal and therefore the project is important to Fussily Medical for the following reasons: 1 . It will keep competitors from entering into film/print deals with the I-Med network for at least the four years of the contract; 2. At the end of the contract, the l- Med network may choose to continue its association with Fussily and re-contract with new equipment for another term; 3. It offers FM the advantage of being present and having first look-in for value added sales for other equipment like Computed or Digital Radiography image processors or PASS and IRIS (see Glossary); 4. The value of the deal is approximately ten percent of the total revenue for FM during the contract period, consequently it is a deal that cannot be dismissed. Further, as stated by Larson and Gray (2011 p. 23) [s]treated is implemented through projects. Every project should have a clear link to the organizations strategy. Indeed, this project certainly fits in with Fistfuls Medicals mission statement, which is: To be the recognized leader in providing integrated solutions to meet each customers imaging and information needs. Fussily USA website, 2013) 3 The Project Overview and Analysis The Project Management Institute (IMP cited in Larson and Gray 2011, p. 5) defines a project thus: A project is a temporary endeavourer undertaken to create a unique reduce, service or result. Sheehan (2008) tells us that projects are becoming more and more important to organizations and indeed operations, the ongoing activities in a company such as manufacturing and services, whilst necessary, are on the decline. Larson and Gray (2011 p. ) clearly state the major characteristics off project as follows: 1 . An established objective; 2. A defined life span with a beginning and an end; 3. Usually, the involvement of several departments and professionals; 4. Typically, doing something that has never been done before; and 5. Specific time, cost, and reference requirements. The project to be undertaken by Fussily Medical Systems for the I-Med Network certainly encompasses all the above characteristics. The objective has been project is expected to begin on April 1, 2014 and completed by September 30, 2014. This is a time-constrained project. The project will involve the legal, finance and procurement departments, account managers, technical services engineers and electricians, IT specialists, warehousing and logistics and the project manager(s). A project of the scale presented here has never been attempted previously and Hereford requires a high level and precise plan which can be created and executed by a dedicated team. Costs have to be kept too minimum so as not to impact too greatly on gross margins. Performance requirements are expected to be rigorous due to the nature of the installation and penalties to FM will be applied by the I-Med Network for any issues in this regard. Disruption to normal business has to be minimal due to the fact that this project deals with medical imaging clinics where diagnoses are paramount and to reduce any loss of business/revenue for the I-Med Network. 3. 1 The Project Life Cycle Pinto and Prescott, cited in Jujube and MÃ'Ëœleer 2005, tell us [most] project life cycles include phases of conceptualization (sic), planning, execution and termination. The same stages are called defining, planning, executing and closing by Larson and Gray (2011). The ensuing discussion will be concentrating on the defining and planning stages. The company (FM) will proceed with the project due to the fact that it is of critical business importance. The revenue generated from the sale is sufficient reason but it also gives the company great kudos in the marketplace. 3. 2 Defining the Project The goals, specifications, tasks and responsibilities (Larson and Gray 2011, p. ) constitute the defining phase of the project life cycle. 3. 2. 1 The goals and specifications of the project: Install 220 Drippy (Fussily brand name) Printers/almagest throughout I-Med Networks 147 Australian Sites; The Printers will replace existing competitor (namely Gaff and Kodak) ones; The Printers will be replaced on a like for like basis (I. E. Similar size, capacity and throughput as existing competitor models, albeit newer technology); The images will be either a model DIPPED (3-Tray) or a 2-Tray DIPPED. On analyzing the existing data of installed printers supplied by the I-Med network, the following printers will be supplied: 100 x DIPPED with Sorters 35 x DIPPED without sorters 40 x DIPPED with Sorters and 45 x DIPPED without sorters 133 of these printers will be Mammography enabled 3. 2. 2 The tasks and responsibilities of the project: There are many further steps than those outlined below but this is a macro view or part of the work breakdown structure (WEBS) of the project. Figure 3. 1 Task- Responsibility Chart RESPONSIBILITY Printers to be ordered and film stock increased Product Managers and Procurement Department Warehouse manager to be notified of impending increase in stock levels and of extra incoming goods Project Manager Printers to be pre-staged configured with correct sorters, film sizing and software installation completed two weeks prior to installation week Technical Engineers Electrical compliance testing Electricians Logistics to be notified of equipment on-time delivery requirements and instructions pertaining to it. With consideration to the vast distances from Sydney headquarters, some destinations will require greater lead time. Warehouse and Logistics Managers The I-Med Network sites have to be scoped for informatics and network infrastructure capability and compatibility Project Manager and Engineers Modalities (Computed/Digital Radiography, CT, Ultrasound, MR.. And so on)to be connected to printers for each site need to be clearly identified as this will affect pre- staging Fussily Engineers and IT/ Modality companies/ I-Med Network Printers dispatched to site the week before installation Project Manager with Warehouse and Logistics Install printers and train staff on use of printers Technical Engineers Documentation pertaining to the printer()s) installed to be completed correctly and sign-off obtained from the Radiology manager or designated person Technical Engineers At the end of the particular installation week, all documentation to be sent back to the Lead Project Manager via internal mail Technical Engineers Documents to be filed and information archived and entered into database correctly Project Manager *See Appendices 1 and 2 for more information. 3. 3 Planning the Project The defining, planning and executing stages of the project life cycle basically begin at the same time Just by the nature of projects. These stages may have specific functions but are interconnected and are sanctioned concurrently. When one is thinking of specifications and tasks, for example, already schedules, resources and staffing are being considered. Some of the planning stage has therefore already been considered in the defining phase. Abdominal (2012) explains this well, the relationships, iterations, phasing and overlaps between components of project, or program are derived from and verified by the nature of relationships between activities. In the planning phase or stage, we look at schedules, budgets, resources, asks and staffing (Larson and Gray 2011, p. ). Scheduling will have to run very much to plan to minimize disruption to the workflow tendency for the project scope to expand over time (Gray and Larson 2011, p. 105) will not be an issue. The initial preparatory work including the length of the project have previously been discussed. Once delivered to site, a printer will take one day to install. The following, Figure 3. 2, is an example of what the installation schedule may look like before a Giant chart is produced. Figure 3. 2 Example Installation Schedule for this Project Site NO. Existing Site Description and Quantities of Initial FUSSILY Equipment to be provided to that Initial Purchaser at that Existing Site Description of Redundant Equipment of that Initial Purchaser at that Existing Site Indicative Target Dates for Installation Timetable 1 . Royal Darwin CT 2. Royal Darwin MR.. 3. Royal Darwin UNC Med Drippy 7000 Drippy 4000 Kodak Dry-view 8700 Gaff Tartar 5300 Delivery -Week of 3/3/14 Installation Week of 10/3/14 Testing/Acceptance Week of 10/3/14 Training Week of 10/3/14 2. 1 . Hobart Calvary Hose 2. Hobart Calvary Hose Drippy 7000 w sorter Gaff Tartar 5500 Gaff Tartar 3000 Delivery Week of 10/3/14 Installation Week of 17/3/14 Testing/Acceptance Week of 17/3/14 Training Week of 17/3/14 3. 1 . Hobart Private Hose 2. Hobart Private Hose Drippy 4000 w sorter 4. 1 . SST Johns Hose TASK 2. Colonelcy TASK 3. Rosy park TASK 4. Kingston TASK 5. 1 . Wage Calvary 2. Wage Calvary 3. Wage Calvary Kodak Driveway 8900 Delivery week of 17/3/14 Installation Week of 24/3/14 Testing/Acceptance Week of 24/3/14 Training Week of 24/3/14 Giant Charts were and are used as a visual tool to show scheduled and actual progress of projects (Kumar 2005). Giant charts are used because they are easy to interpret and popular software such as [emailprotected] Office Project 2007 have made this a readily available tool. Editing is also simplified because of computer technology. For a project like the one proposed here, this type of software is ideal because dates can be used effectively, time is represented on the horizontal axis and activities down the rows (Larson and Gray 2011, p. 174). Resources can also be added. The following, Figure 3. 3, shows an example of a Giant chart for a similar equipment installation and time based project. . 3. 2 Resource Scheduling Ahead S, Imitate ML and Imitate A (2013) state: t]he companies dealing with multiple projects are geographically distributed at different locations. These projects require local (always available to the concerned project) and global (shared among the projects) resources that are available in limited quantity. Certainly Fussily has several projects in progress at all times and therefore wherever possible local resources such as engineers will be utilized for cost savings and efficiency in organization. For this project, Jamie Carlyle will be the Lead Engineer assigned solely to and for the entirety of the I-Med Printer Project and engineers from each State will complement the process. Preventative Maintenance Schedules (part of the day-to-day activities of the service department), Service Engineers Annual Leave and Public Holidays are some of the issues that have to be taken into consideration when preparing the final schedule. Being a time- constrained, as opposed to a resource-constrained project, it must be completed by the agreed date and resources will be added as required to achieve this milestone. 3. 3. 3 Estimation of Costs The Fussily Company has allocated a figure of approximately 10% ($1 M) of the bid price to the cost of the installation project and maintenance over the life of the renters within the contract period; $500,000 of this creates the project budget. How are costs estimated? Good (2009) provides a succinct explanation: Simply stated its the product of the quantities of goods and services that will be required to execute the project, times the commensurate unit pricing for each of those goods and services. In this project we can look at it like this: There are 220 printers to be installed. Whilst the time period to complete the project is six (6) months or twenty six (26) weeks, to allow some slack or buffer, the project will be calculated to be finished in went two (22) weeks. That is, ten (10) printers need to be installed per week. One day per printer per engineer is required for pre-staging. Three engineers are required for installing a printer a day each. Generally, Monday (the busiest day in a Radiology practice) will be used to travel to site and finalizing any details before installation begins on Tuesday. Friday will be used for training purposes and travel home. An engineer is paid $2000 per week or $400 a day (total cost = $187,200). The project manager is paid $110,00 per annum but an extra two months is added here or the planning phase (cost = $ 73,000). The cost of transport to a site is $150 per unit on average (total = $33,000). Travel, hotel and meal costs have been estimated to be $100,000. Legal, warehouse and other business costs are estimated at $50,000. The total estimated cost of the project is $443,200 which is within the $500,000 budget and allows for any unforeseen or misjudged costs. Spreadsheets and time- phased work packages are critical tools that can be used to simplify and take control of these calculations Project Management Essay Example Project Management Essay a) What are some of the items contained in the Project Charter? b) What phase is the Project Scope produced? What are some of the items contained in this document? c) What phase is the WBS produced? A; a)The project charter is the planning team’s concise statement of core goals, values, and intent in order to provide the ultimate policy direction for everything that comes next. Items contained in project charter are; 1. Project title should be concise and create a vision for the end result of the project. 2. Purpose summarizes the need and justification for the project. . Description provides a high-level description of the project. 4. Objective is a statement of what is expected to be accomplished. 5. Success criteria or expected benefits indicate the outcomes or expected quantitative benefits that will result from implementation of the project. 6. Funding indicates the total amount of funds the sponsor authorizes for the project. 7. Major Deliverables are the major end produ cts or items that are expected to be produced during and at the completion of the performance of the project. . Acceptance criteria describe the quantitative criteria for each major deliverable that the sponsor will use to verify that each deliverable meets certain performance specifications. 9. Milestone schedule is a list of target dates or times for the achievement of key events in the project timetable. 10. Key assumptions include those that the project rationale or justification is based on 11. Constraints could include such things as a requirement to complete the project without disrupting the current workflow. 12. Major risks identify any risk that the sponsor thinks has a high likelihood of occurrence or a high degree of potential impact. 13. Approval requirements define the limits of authority of the project manager. 14. Reporting requirements state the frequency and content of project status reports and reviews. 15. Sponsor designee is the person who the sponsor designates to act on behalf of the project sponsor. 16. Approval signature and date indicate that the sponsor has officially or formally authorized the project. Depending on the funding amount of the project, level of risk, or organizational reporting structure. The project scope defines what needs to be done. It is all the work that must be done to produce all the project deliverables, satisfy the sponsor or customer that all the work and deliverables meet the requirements or acceptance criteria, and accomplish the project objective. The project charter or request for proposal establishes the framework for further elaboration of the project scope. The project team or contractor prepares a project scope document that includes many of the items contained in the project charter, RFP, or contractor’s proposal, but in much greater detail. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The document is valuable for establishing a common understanding among project stakeholders regarding the scope of the project. The project scope document usually contains the following sections: 1. Customer requirements define the functional or performance specifications for the project’s end product and other project deliverables. 2. Statement of Work (SOW) defines the major tasks or work elements that will need to be performed to accomplish the work that needs to be done and produce all the project deliverables. . Deliverables are the products or outputs that the project team or contractor will produce and provide to the customer during and at the completion of the performance of the project. Although major or key deliverables may be stated in the project charter or request for proposal, they need to be expanded on in greater detail in the project scope document. 4. Acceptance criteria for all project deliverables must be described in greater detail than what is stated in t he project charter or request for proposal. For each deliverable, the quantitative measures or references to specifications, standards, or codes that will be used should be stated, as the criteria will be the basis for the customer agreeing that a deliverable is acceptable. 5. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The major work elements defined in the statement of work section along with the detailed list of deliverables provide the basis for creating a work breakdown structure, which is a hierarchical decomposition of the project work scope into work packages that produce the project deliverables. The project scope document is valuable for establishing a common understanding among project stakeholders regarding the scope of the project. It is important to document the detailed requirements in the project scope document in order to establish a clear understanding with the sponsor or customer. Work Breakdown Structure End of Class Evaluation Task AssignedDiscussion Questions LettersassignmentsQuizzesExams Team WorkTeam leader Team members 1- 2-Team leader Team members 1- 2-Team leader Team members 1- 2-Team leader Team members 1- 2-Team leader Team members 1- 2- Charter†¢Evaluation Contribution †¢Value added†¢Grammar †¢Run outs †¢value†¢Timing †¢Expectation †¢solutions†¢Timing †¢Expectation †¢solutions†¢Timing †¢Expectation †¢solution S C O P eCorrelation, Plagiarism Citations, quality and frequencyCorrelation, Plagiarism Citations, quality and frequency Enhancement structureCorrelation, Plagiarism Citation s, quality Correction Time frame Correlation, Plagiarism Citations, quality and frequency Correction Time frame Correlation, Plagiarism Citations, quality and frequency Correction Time frame CostTask assigned on hourly basesTask assigned on hourly bases Task assigned on hourly basesTask assigned on hourly basesTask assigned on hourly bases Time frameWeek 1 to 8Week 1 to 8Week 1 to 8Week 1 to 8Week 1 to 8 The Project Charter; The Project Charter Example is used by the sponsor of a project to announce a new project and to demonstrate that management is in support of this project. The Project Charter Example provides the outline for a new project and gives management a sense of direction for the project from beginning to end. This example is downloadable and customizable for your specific usage. Project scope; Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines. The documentation of a projects scope, which is called a scope statement, terms of reference or statement of work, explains the boundaries of the project, establishes responsibilities for each team member and sets up procedures for how completed work will be verified and approved. During the project, this documentation helps the project team remain focused and on task. The scope statement also provides the project team with guidelines for making decisions about change requests during the project. Project Charter: Acknowledges the existence of a project Scope Statement: Defines where the major objectives and what the project deliverables Differences between these two documents: Project Charter: †¢Official document created and approved by key stakeholders, after project idea has been identified †¢Developed by the corporate executive or sponsor †¢Defines the responsibilities and boundaries of the project manager and the project Scope Statement: After the project charter is approved, the project manager can proceed with launching team building activities and defining the scope of the project †¢Document that formalizes references the scope of everything that the project must produce that is used for future decision making †¢Developed by the project manager with his/her project team members †¢Acts as a response to the Sponso r/Project Charter Project planning; 1. develop plans with relevant people to achieve the projects goals; 2. break work down into tasks and determine handover procedures; 3. dentify links and dependencies, and schedule to achieve deliverables; 4. estimate and cost the human and physical resources required, and make plans to obtain the necessary resources; 5. allocate roles with clear lines of responsibility and accountability; 6. allocate tasks that are realistic and equitable and accommodate other workloads; 7. Establish appropriate and agreed meeting schedules, as well as reporting, control and communication methods. Project scope; The Project Scope pertains to the work necessary to deliver a product. Requirements and deliverables define the project scope, and it is critical that the stakeholder is in agreement with the information discussed in the proposed plan. Construction of a WBS; Identifying the main deliverables of a project is the starting point for deriving a work breakdown structure. This important step is usually done by the project managers and the subject matter experts (SMEs) involved in the project. Once this step is completed, the subject matter experts start breaking down the high-level tasks into smaller chunks of work. In the process of breaking down the tasks, one can break them down into different levels of detail. One can detail a high level task into ten sub tasks while another can detail the same high level task into 20 sub tasks. Therefore, there is no hard and fast rule on how you should breakdown a task in WBS. Rather, the level breakdown is a matter of the project type and the management style followed for the project. In general, there are a few rules used for determining the smallest task chunk. In two weeks rule, nothing is broken down smaller than two weeks work of work. This means, the smallest task of the WBS is at least two week long. 8/80 is another rule used when creating a WBS. This rule implies that no task should be smaller than 8 hours of work and should not be larger than 80 hours of work. One can use many forms to display their WBS. Some use tree structure to illustrate the WBS, while others use lists and tables. Outlining is one of the easiest ways of representing a WBS. The right mix of planning, monitoring, and controlling can make the difference in completing a project on time, on budget, and with high quality results. These guidelines will help you plan the work and work the plan. Given the high rate of project failures, you might think that companies would be happy to just have their project finish with some degree of success. That’s not the case. Despite the odds, organizations expect projects to be completed faster, cheaper, and better. The only way that these objectives can be met is through the use of effective project management processes and techniques. This list outlines the major phases of managing a project and discusses key steps for each one. Note: This article is also available as a PDF download. PLANNING 1: Plan the work by utilizing a project definition document †¢ Project overview †¢ Objectives †¢ Scope †¢ Assumptions and risks †¢ Approach †¢ Organization: Show the significant roles on the project. †¢ Signature page: Ask the sponsor and key stakeholders to approve this document, signifying that they agree on what is planned. †¢ Initial effort, cost, and duration estimates: These should start as best-guess estimates and then be revised, if necessary, when the work plan is completed. 2: Create a planning horizon After the project definition has been prepared, the work plan can be created. The work plan provides the step-by-step instructions for constructing project deliverables and managing the project. 3: Define project management procedures up front 4: Manage the work plan and monitor the schedule and budget Once the project has been planned sufficiently, execution of the work can begin. †¢ Review the work plan on a regular basis to determine how you are progressing in terms of schedule and budget. †¢ Identify activities that have been completed during the previous time period and update the work plan to show they are finished. Determine whether there are any other activities that should be completed but have not been. †¢ Monitor the budget. 5: Look for warning signs Look for signs that the project may be in trouble. These could include the following: †¢ A small variance in schedule or budget starts to get bigger, especially early in the project. There is a tendency to think you can make it up, but this is a warning. If the tendencies are not corrected quickly, the impact will be unrecoverable. †¢ You discover that activities you think have already been completed are still being worked on. For example, users whom you think have been migrated to a new platform are still not. †¢ You need to rely on unscheduled overtime to hit the deadlines, especially early in the project. †¢ Team morale starts to decline. †¢ Deliverable quality or service quality starts to deteriorate. For instance, users start to complain that their converted e-mail folders are not working correctly. †¢ Quality-control steps, testing activities, and project management time starts to be cut back from the original schedule. A big project, such as an Exchange migration, can affect everyone in your organization. Don’t cut back on the activities that ensure the work is done correctly. 6: Ensure that the sponsor approves scope-change requests 7: Guard against scope creep 8: Identify risks up front 9: Continue to assess potential risks throughout the project 10: Resolve issues as quickly as possible Create Work Breakdown Structure Once the project scope document has been prepared and agreed on, the next step in the planning phase is to create a detailed work breakdown structure (WBS), which is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the project work scope into work packages that produce the project deliverables. Having a comprehensive project scope document is important because it is the foundation for creating the work breakdown structure. The project scope document defined what needs to be done in terms of the statement of work and deliverables, and the WBS establishes the framework for how the work will get done to produce the project deliverables. Creating a WBS is a structured approach for organizing all the project work and deliverables into logical groupings and subdividing them into more manageable components to help ensure that all the work and deliverables to complete the project are identified and included in the baseline project plan. It is a hierarchical tree of deliverables or end items that will be accomplished or produced by the project team or contractor during the project. The work breakdown structure subdivides the project into smaller pieces called work items. The lowest-level work item of any one branch is called a work package. The work package includes all of the specific work activities that need to be performed to produce the deliverable associated with that work package. The WBS should be decomposed to a level that identifies individual work packages for each specific deliverable listed in the project scope document. Often the WBS includes a separate work package labeled â€Å"project management† that is for all the work associated with managing the project such as preparing progress reports; conducting review meetings; planning, monitoring, and tracking schedules and budgets, and so on. The accomplishment or production of all of these lowest-level work packages in the work breakdown structure constitutes completion of the project work scope. Project Management Essay Example Project Management Essay a) What are some of the items contained in the Project Charter? b) What phase is the Project Scope produced? What are some of the items contained in this document? c) What phase is the WBS produced? A; a)The project charter is the planning team’s concise statement of core goals, values, and intent in order to provide the ultimate policy direction for everything that comes next. Items contained in project charter are; 1. Project title should be concise and create a vision for the end result of the project. 2. Purpose summarizes the need and justification for the project. . Description provides a high-level description of the project. 4. Objective is a statement of what is expected to be accomplished. 5. Success criteria or expected benefits indicate the outcomes or expected quantitative benefits that will result from implementation of the project. 6. Funding indicates the total amount of funds the sponsor authorizes for the project. 7. Major Deliverables are the major end produ cts or items that are expected to be produced during and at the completion of the performance of the project. . Acceptance criteria describe the quantitative criteria for each major deliverable that the sponsor will use to verify that each deliverable meets certain performance specifications. 9. Milestone schedule is a list of target dates or times for the achievement of key events in the project timetable. 10. Key assumptions include those that the project rationale or justification is based on 11. Constraints could include such things as a requirement to complete the project without disrupting the current workflow. 12. Major risks identify any risk that the sponsor thinks has a high likelihood of occurrence or a high degree of potential impact. 13. Approval requirements define the limits of authority of the project manager. 14. Reporting requirements state the frequency and content of project status reports and reviews. 15. Sponsor designee is the person who the sponsor designates to act on behalf of the project sponsor. 16. Approval signature and date indicate that the sponsor has officially or formally authorized the project. Depending on the funding amount of the project, level of risk, or organizational reporting structure. The project scope defines what needs to be done. It is all the work that must be done to produce all the project deliverables, satisfy the sponsor or customer that all the work and deliverables meet the requirements or acceptance criteria, and accomplish the project objective. The project charter or request for proposal establishes the framework for further elaboration of the project scope. The project team or contractor prepares a project scope document that includes many of the items contained in the project charter, RFP, or contractor’s proposal, but in much greater detail. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The document is valuable for establishing a common understanding among project stakeholders regarding the scope of the project. The project scope document usually contains the following sections: 1. Customer requirements define the functional or performance specifications for the project’s end product and other project deliverables. 2. Statement of Work (SOW) defines the major tasks or work elements that will need to be performed to accomplish the work that needs to be done and produce all the project deliverables. . Deliverables are the products or outputs that the project team or contractor will produce and provide to the customer during and at the completion of the performance of the project. Although major or key deliverables may be stated in the project charter or request for proposal, they need to be expanded on in greater detail in the project scope document. 4. Acceptance criteria for all project deliverables must be described in greater detail than what is stated in t he project charter or request for proposal. For each deliverable, the quantitative measures or references to specifications, standards, or codes that will be used should be stated, as the criteria will be the basis for the customer agreeing that a deliverable is acceptable. 5. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The major work elements defined in the statement of work section along with the detailed list of deliverables provide the basis for creating a work breakdown structure, which is a hierarchical decomposition of the project work scope into work packages that produce the project deliverables. The project scope document is valuable for establishing a common understanding among project stakeholders regarding the scope of the project. It is important to document the detailed requirements in the project scope document in order to establish a clear understanding with the sponsor or customer. Work Breakdown Structure End of Class Evaluation Task AssignedDiscussion Questions LettersassignmentsQuizzesExams Team WorkTeam leader Team members 1- 2-Team leader Team members 1- 2-Team leader Team members 1- 2-Team leader Team members 1- 2-Team leader Team members 1- 2- Charter†¢Evaluation Contribution †¢Value added†¢Grammar †¢Run outs †¢value†¢Timing †¢Expectation †¢solutions†¢Timing †¢Expectation †¢solutions†¢Timing †¢Expectation †¢solution S C O P eCorrelation, Plagiarism Citations, quality and frequencyCorrelation, Plagiarism Citations, quality and frequency Enhancement structureCorrelation, Plagiarism Citation s, quality Correction Time frame Correlation, Plagiarism Citations, quality and frequency Correction Time frame Correlation, Plagiarism Citations, quality and frequency Correction Time frame CostTask assigned on hourly basesTask assigned on hourly bases Task assigned on hourly basesTask assigned on hourly basesTask assigned on hourly bases Time frameWeek 1 to 8Week 1 to 8Week 1 to 8Week 1 to 8Week 1 to 8 The Project Charter; The Project Charter Example is used by the sponsor of a project to announce a new project and to demonstrate that management is in support of this project. The Project Charter Example provides the outline for a new project and gives management a sense of direction for the project from beginning to end. This example is downloadable and customizable for your specific usage. Project scope; Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines. The documentation of a projects scope, which is called a scope statement, terms of reference or statement of work, explains the boundaries of the project, establishes responsibilities for each team member and sets up procedures for how completed work will be verified and approved. During the project, this documentation helps the project team remain focused and on task. The scope statement also provides the project team with guidelines for making decisions about change requests during the project. Project Charter: Acknowledges the existence of a project Scope Statement: Defines where the major objectives and what the project deliverables Differences between these two documents: Project Charter: †¢Official document created and approved by key stakeholders, after project idea has been identified †¢Developed by the corporate executive or sponsor †¢Defines the responsibilities and boundaries of the project manager and the project Scope Statement: After the project charter is approved, the project manager can proceed with launching team building activities and defining the scope of the project †¢Document that formalizes references the scope of everything that the project must produce that is used for future decision making †¢Developed by the project manager with his/her project team members †¢Acts as a response to the Sponso r/Project Charter Project planning; 1. develop plans with relevant people to achieve the projects goals; 2. break work down into tasks and determine handover procedures; 3. dentify links and dependencies, and schedule to achieve deliverables; 4. estimate and cost the human and physical resources required, and make plans to obtain the necessary resources; 5. allocate roles with clear lines of responsibility and accountability; 6. allocate tasks that are realistic and equitable and accommodate other workloads; 7. Establish appropriate and agreed meeting schedules, as well as reporting, control and communication methods. Project scope; The Project Scope pertains to the work necessary to deliver a product. Requirements and deliverables define the project scope, and it is critical that the stakeholder is in agreement with the information discussed in the proposed plan. Construction of a WBS; Identifying the main deliverables of a project is the starting point for deriving a work breakdown structure. This important step is usually done by the project managers and the subject matter experts (SMEs) involved in the project. Once this step is completed, the subject matter experts start breaking down the high-level tasks into smaller chunks of work. In the process of breaking down the tasks, one can break them down into different levels of detail. One can detail a high level task into ten sub tasks while another can detail the same high level task into 20 sub tasks. Therefore, there is no hard and fast rule on how you should breakdown a task in WBS. Rather, the level breakdown is a matter of the project type and the management style followed for the project. In general, there are a few rules used for determining the smallest task chunk. In two weeks rule, nothing is broken down smaller than two weeks work of work. This means, the smallest task of the WBS is at least two week long. 8/80 is another rule used when creating a WBS. This rule implies that no task should be smaller than 8 hours of work and should not be larger than 80 hours of work. One can use many forms to display their WBS. Some use tree structure to illustrate the WBS, while others use lists and tables. Outlining is one of the easiest ways of representing a WBS. The right mix of planning, monitoring, and controlling can make the difference in completing a project on time, on budget, and with high quality results. These guidelines will help you plan the work and work the plan. Given the high rate of project failures, you might think that companies would be happy to just have their project finish with some degree of success. That’s not the case. Despite the odds, organizations expect projects to be completed faster, cheaper, and better. The only way that these objectives can be met is through the use of effective project management processes and techniques. This list outlines the major phases of managing a project and discusses key steps for each one. Note: This article is also available as a PDF download. PLANNING 1: Plan the work by utilizing a project definition document †¢ Project overview †¢ Objectives †¢ Scope †¢ Assumptions and risks †¢ Approach †¢ Organization: Show the significant roles on the project. †¢ Signature page: Ask the sponsor and key stakeholders to approve this document, signifying that they agree on what is planned. †¢ Initial effort, cost, and duration estimates: These should start as best-guess estimates and then be revised, if necessary, when the work plan is completed. 2: Create a planning horizon After the project definition has been prepared, the work plan can be created. The work plan provides the step-by-step instructions for constructing project deliverables and managing the project. 3: Define project management procedures up front 4: Manage the work plan and monitor the schedule and budget Once the project has been planned sufficiently, execution of the work can begin. †¢ Review the work plan on a regular basis to determine how you are progressing in terms of schedule and budget. †¢ Identify activities that have been completed during the previous time period and update the work plan to show they are finished. Determine whether there are any other activities that should be completed but have not been. †¢ Monitor the budget. 5: Look for warning signs Look for signs that the project may be in trouble. These could include the following: †¢ A small variance in schedule or budget starts to get bigger, especially early in the project. There is a tendency to think you can make it up, but this is a warning. If the tendencies are not corrected quickly, the impact will be unrecoverable. †¢ You discover that activities you think have already been completed are still being worked on. For example, users whom you think have been migrated to a new platform are still not. †¢ You need to rely on unscheduled overtime to hit the deadlines, especially early in the project. †¢ Team morale starts to decline. †¢ Deliverable quality or service quality starts to deteriorate. For instance, users start to complain that their converted e-mail folders are not working correctly. †¢ Quality-control steps, testing activities, and project management time starts to be cut back from the original schedule. A big project, such as an Exchange migration, can affect everyone in your organization. Don’t cut back on the activities that ensure the work is done correctly. 6: Ensure that the sponsor approves scope-change requests 7: Guard against scope creep 8: Identify risks up front 9: Continue to assess potential risks throughout the project 10: Resolve issues as quickly as possible Create Work Breakdown Structure Once the project scope document has been prepared and agreed on, the next step in the planning phase is to create a detailed work breakdown structure (WBS), which is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the project work scope into work packages that produce the project deliverables. Having a comprehensive project scope document is important because it is the foundation for creating the work breakdown structure. The project scope document defined what needs to be done in terms of the statement of work and deliverables, and the WBS establishes the framework for how the work will get done to produce the project deliverables. Creating a WBS is a structured approach for organizing all the project work and deliverables into logical groupings and subdividing them into more manageable components to help ensure that all the work and deliverables to complete the project are identified and included in the baseline project plan. It is a hierarchical tree of deliverables or end items that will be accomplished or produced by the project team or contractor during the project. The work breakdown structure subdivides the project into smaller pieces called work items. The lowest-level work item of any one branch is called a work package. The work package includes all of the specific work activities that need to be performed to produce the deliverable associated with that work package. The WBS should be decomposed to a level that identifies individual work packages for each specific deliverable listed in the project scope document. Often the WBS includes a separate work package labeled â€Å"project management† that is for all the work associated with managing the project such as preparing progress reports; conducting review meetings; planning, monitoring, and tracking schedules and budgets, and so on. The accomplishment or production of all of these lowest-level work packages in the work breakdown structure constitutes completion of the project work scope.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Housing Welfare And Community Care Social Work Essays

Housing Welfare And Community Care Social Work Essays Housing Welfare And Community Care Social Work Essay Housing Welfare And Community Care Social Work Essay Alcock 2008 defines societal policy as an enabler of advancing public assistance and wellbeing for people citizens and how it is made possible for all citizens to populate a ego carry throughing life whether it be through wellness, instruction, lodging, employment and socially. Social policy and public assistance province are complicated and disputing existent issues, which both airss interesting and hard inquiries to us all as a society. Questions such as follows ; who s regarded as fringy? Who are the citizens and what rights do they hold? What is the thrust behind the different groups, both formal and informal, that form together to put demands of alteration? How society and the province treat the person? These are truly of import issues that one has to use flexible thought in undertaking. In response to the above inquiry, the two chosen subjects of treatment will be Health and Social Security. This paper will discourse theories of societal policies how these have influenced or contributed to the development and reform of public assistance service proviso. Furthermore, to extent hold wellness and societal security policies influenced the bringing of public assistance proviso in a changed and altering society. Cardinal Government remains an of import component refering societal policy and public assistance proviso as developers and Jesuss of, public wellness, lodging, instruction, employment and societal attention. Although consideration of other act uponing factors such as historic and recent policies under consecutive authoritiess, are as of import, in add-on, to factors as the Poor Law reform in 1905, debut of the public assistance province under Labour Public bureaus the Local Governments and NHS, the European Union, degeneration of disposal powers sub-nationally fo r case, to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in order to understand particularly welfare proviso reform. Other factors every bit of import which have made a important part to the development of societal policy and reform of public assistance proviso are voluntary bureaus, communities and different household constructions. Family set-up and the person are of import factors to this treatment, as they greatly influence determination for alterations and development of public assistance proviso A ; societal policy. Development and reform of societal policy for public assistance proviso Early on development theories of societal policy can be traced every bit far as 100 old ages back at the terminal of nineteenth Century during the Fabian Society. The Fabian Society was established in 1884 by Sidney Webb who subsequently, with others formed the Labour and thought it would be an mechanism for policy devising through where alteration could be established. Sidney Webb campaigned for societal protection during the British Capitalism at the terminal of the nineteenth Century, while both Charles Booth and Seebohm Rowntree s surveies revealed the badness of poorness in Britain. This research influenced the early development of the Fabian societal policy thought, whilst it challenged the Conservative Party so governing portion that the public assistance demands of all would be met by economic markets. The Fabians argued that intercession was necessary in order to supply, protect and keep support for which economic markets could non. ( Alcock. et Al ( 2008 ) pp 4 A ; 5 ) Important reforms of reexamining the Poor Law were introduced by the Broad Government during the twentieth Century before the Labour Party gained power. As the UK became industrialized and urbanised it was necessary to reform the hapless jurisprudence between the sixteenth and 20th century due to population motion this local system was stretched. The parishes were affected by trade recession and eruptions of diseases the hapless jurisprudence was under strain and became dearly-won and complex to pull off ( Hill 2003 ) . The Royal Commission established in 1905 were challenged with reforming the Poor Laws because they could non hold on a manner forward they ended up bring forthing two studies. The Fabian and the Charity Organisation Society studies in both of the publications accent were put on the demand to alter public assistance proviso. In order to set up reform both groups had different ways in which they supported alteration, the Fabian who were the minority saw public proviso o f the province services as the manner frontward, whereas, the bulk COS their construct was for the voluntary philanthropic activity to go on with the cardinal function. The alteration of Poor Law by Broad Government in proviso of societal security produced two signifiers of statute law, the Old Pensions Act 1908 and the National Insurance Act 1911. The National Insurance was base on parts, that came jointly from the province, employers and employees, it provided screen against sickness A ; unemployment, whereas, the old age pensions was agencies tested based on non-contributory ( Hill 2003 ) . The argument for the province and voluntary sector continues to act upon policy development and reform to today. The treatment remains an of import portion of argument to equilibrate the province and non-state proviso in societal planning. The differences in political orientations of the Fabian and COS are important because non merely have they influenced the treatments to reform societal policy, but have to boot encouraged the survey and rating of policy as it advances. Even though their political orientations differed, but they were both concerned with the publicity and development of public assistance reform. This led to set uping a new section of Social Sciences and Administration in 1912 at London School of Economics which was the first and most of import topographic point for the survey of societal policy. Titmuss who was a major subscriber to the surveies of societal policy was the first professor for societal disposal in the UK. Social policy instruction and research extended to other Universities in the last 50 old ages and has been taken up in undergraduate instruction environments. B roadening the learning environment of the topic, has presented controversial challenges of purposes and methods of survey of the Fabianism which dominated argument of societal policy until 1970s. Although, the debut of the public assistance province by the Labour Government during 1945h-51 appeared to hold been supported by the Fabian followings, the undermentioned century societal policy enlargement and development inquiries became more of import. ( Alcock. et Al ( 2008 ) pp 5 A ; 6 ) . Welfare State was a major development of societal policy in the UK because it replaced the piecemeal and partial proviso which was the bing policy at the clip. The debut of the public assistance province was combative that it generated of import argument and dissension of what it meant and why it was seen to be accomplishing its intent, around about the same clip the Beveridge study of 1942 was published. The five giant immoralities that had undermined the British society before the war were described by Beveridge in his study as, disease, sordidness, ignorance, idling and want. A public assistance province system assumed primary duty for the public assistance being of its citizen to battle affairs such as, Healthcare, Education, Employment and Social Security. The Beveridge study ( 1942 ) proposed a far making colony as portion of a wider societal and Economic Reconstruction, one time triumph in the Second World War was secured and became the bluish print for the British public assi stance province. Welfare province is based on the rules of equality of chance, just distribution of wealth and public duty for those who lack the minimum commissariats for a good life. The term may be applied to a assortment of signifiers of Economic and societal administration. A basic characteristic of the public assistance province is societal insurance, intended to supply benefits during periods of greatest demand i.e. old age, unwellness, unemployment. The public assistance system besides covers employment and disposal of consumer monetary values. Britain adopted comprehensive societal insurance in 1948 which was proposed in the Beveridge study of 1942 which was based on three premises that were household allowances, a national wellness service and full employment. This became a major propaganda arm with both major parties committed to its debut. During the war, the alliance authorities committed itself to full employment through Keynesian policies, free universal secondary Edu cation and the debut of household allowances. The labour authorities was elected in 1945 and introduced three manner that s the 1946 national insurance act, which implemented the Beveridge strategy for societal security the national wellness service act 1946 and the1948 national aid act which abolished the hapless jurisprudence while doing proviso for public assistance services. Health Healthcare has consumed a big and turning part of societal disbursement in all advanced industrialized societies, peculiarly in the past two decennaries. Get downing in the 1970 s healthcare systems experienced a cost detonation . It can be noted that by the full reappraisal of the NHS in 1988, obtained unfavorable judgment for its disbursement and the NHS did non make much cut downing the portion of capital disbursement taken by wellness. This had the bad luck of co-occuring with the planetary economic clasp up and concerns about the financial visibleness of the public assistance province. Britain has been systematically a low Spender on the NHS. The wellness sector is a fertile land for technological invention that may protract life but at significant disbursal for with the employment for all being a societal policy, the wellness sector is a big generator of service sector employment. But occupations in this sector be given to be labour intensive and have lower productiveness thr ough the fabrication occupations. In 1948 the universe wellness assembly defined wellness as a province of complete physical mental and societal well being and non simply the absence of disease or frailty whilst the 1986 charter for the publicity of wellness said wellness is a resource for mundane life, non the aim of life. Health is a positive construct stressing societal and personal resources every bit good as physical capacities . Pre National Health Service in 1948 patients were required to pay for their wellness attention. Free intervention was sometimes available from learning infirmaries and charity infirmaries such as Royal free infirmary. Some local governments operated local infirmaries for local rate remunerators. Systems of wellness insurance normally consisted of private strategies such as friendly societies. Under the national insurance act 1911, introduced by ( David Lloyd George ) a little sum was deducted from hebdomadal rewards to which was added parts from the employer and authorities. In retu rn for the part, the workingman was entitled to medical attention though non needfully to the drugs prescribed. To obtain medical attention he had to register with a physician. Subsequent to the debut of the National Health Service Act 1946 which was viewed as a mail rock act, a new moving ridge of wellness service was experienced in Britain. For, it stated at that place in that the wellness service was to be run on a national footing and paid out of general revenue enhancement contributed to the national insurance fund that all citizens could register with a household physician of their ain pick and receive free intervention for simple unwellness and where the GP could non handle, he referred on to infirmaries Still it stated and showed that GPs remained private professional people frequently grouped in a common legal entity called a partnership, owned their ain premises, received an one-year payment for each NHS patient besides signed on at their surgery and therefore had a responsibility to supply attention for that individual and that they were over seen by appointed organic structures called Executive councils besides responsible for tooth doctors and chemists. More so it stated that attending at infirmary was free as by and large infirmaries in the state were owned and run by the national authorities. Medicines prescribed by the GP could be picked up from the chemists free, Eye trials and eyeglassess were free from the optician and visits to the tooth doctor were free excessively. Today in Britain the province plays a chief function in funding and supplying health care. Healthcare is financed from the general grosss instead than pay axial rotation revenue enhancements and the cardinal authorities determines the NHS Budget. The province owns the infirmaries and governs the health care service through back-to-back grades of wellness governments emanating from the Department of wellness at the Centre. At the same clip province directors have shared authorization in wellness attention administration with the medical profession allowing the British Medical Association ( BMA ) an indispensable function in policy devising and disposal Giaimo ( 1994, 1995 ) . The Universalism of the NHS created a wide solidarity and committedness to equity that the public expects the authorities to warrant. The NHS has at least aspired to a comprehensive impression of community based on Marshall s ( 1963 ) thought of societal citizenship and has expressed this solidarity as a right of all to a comprehensive degree of attention, about free of charge on the footing of clinical urgency instead than an ability to pay. But surely since the origin of the NHS, those into private insurance have been able to leap in front of waiting lists for elected surgery. This inequality of entree between those with private insurance has ever been a little minority. It is quoted that in 1990 ; merely 11 % of the population had private coverage Klein, Timmius ( 1995, p155. 1995, p507 ) . Those with private insurance still receive most of their attention from NHS as public patients, because private policies are restrictive in the country of coverage. Social Security Social security is province system of care in the UK, which fall into the undermentioned five subdivisions, contributory benefits, non-contributory benefits, benefits the province need the employer to supply, means-tested benefits and revenue enhancement credits to supplement income. After the war societal security was provided for up until early 1980s services covered were, attention for the aged, instruction, lodging unemployment payments attention for the aged and health care under a consensus Government. Social security purposes to guarantee income against hazards of peculiar clip in life, i.e. retirement, unemployment, illness and to relieve poorness or low income by redistributing resources across societies life anticipation from working age to retirement, in add-on to redistributing wealth from the rich to the hapless and counterbalancing for excess costs as kids, disablement and eventually supply fiscal during household dislocation ( Alcock et al 2008 ) . All public assistance commissariats are by definition redistributive in some manner, a step is redistributive, if the people who receive measured income are non the same as those who pay ( Titmuss ) identified assorted sorts of redistrive procedure which debated issues non possible to understand the redistributive impact of societal policy without sing them. Titmuss describes the following societal division of public assistance categorization reasonably rough, societal public assistance, public assistance distributed through revenue enhancement system and occupational public assistance. The financial public assistance class roll uping subsidies incentives together and reassign payments, including income care, whereas, occupational public assistance are salary related benefits, measured to better efficiency of the work force, these of import constructs draw attending to different forms of redistribution and explains how for case by revenue enhancement or benefit can hold the same effe cts and expands the range of societal policy topic. Tawney argued that public disbursement is the most effectual manner of redistributing resources. The purpose, he writes, is non the division of the state s income into 11 million fragments, to be distributed, without farther bustle, like bar at a school dainty, among its 11 million households. It is, on the contrary, the pooling of its excess resources by agencies of revenue enhancement, and the usage of the financess therefore obtained to do accessible to all, irrespective of their income, business or societal place, the conditions of civilization which, in the absence of such steps, can merely be enjoyed by the rich. Social insurance rule is that people earn benefits by parts paid while at work and they should bask advantages of entitlement to free benefits, because they have paid for them. The disadvantage is that people must work to measure up, this excludes a big figure of people, for case, the unemployed, including adult females who have been raising kids, school departers, disabled and inveterate ill people. Poor people are improbable able to afford parts if payments are set excessively high. Means tried benefits are criticised extensively because they are sing a residuary public assistance system, which are assessed on a trial of income, assets and capital. Although they concentrated on those most in demand, there are complex and hard to administrate. In add-on they create a poorness trap and deterrences to work because it is system seen to be better of as benefits are withdrawn with the addition in rewards. They are equal nail downing unfavorable judgments of non-means tested benefits, suc h as, non-contributory benefits, this system of public assistance is a agency of run intoing particular demands such as, a demand for societal attention for people with physical disablements. There are assorted other agencies of public assistance which will but to advert a few as describe above, nevertheless, the following of import point for treatment is how the Beveridge study planned to cover people from cradle to sculpt this based on the following six national insurance rules, fullness, categories of insurance, adequateness, incorporate disposal, level rate benefits and parts. These purposes were neer fulfilled, despite the insufficiencies the national insurance still accounts for more than half of the societal security outgo in the UK and failures of the system to cover the population has progressively led to dependency on means-tested benefits. Particularly the national aid which subsequently was changed its name to auxiliary benefit and income support, though it is the most of import benefit because it guaranteed a minimal degree of income as it disposes a limited proportion of all money spent on societal security. During the 1970s 1980s long term unemployment grew, society became progressively depended on income support and other benefits i.e. individual parent and incapacity, even though the Beveridge strategy intended to cover with long period or mass unemployment degrees. The system had virtually stopped in the mid-1990 with merely 8 % in receiver of national insurance and replaced with Jobseekers Allowance which is similar to income support. The epoch to follow accent was increased to affect people through labour markets as a means out of poorness, the term welfare to work has dominated since, and steps to back up people include, advice, preparation and supervising. The pension recognition have replaced the means-tested support, whereas, the cosmopolitan pensions strategy were likely to be low, more than half of aged people made up 20 % in last income distribution around 1970. A For all its short approachs, the NHS as an up rise from the societal policy theory of equal and free entree to wellness takes a important function for centre phase as the most popular component of the British public assistance province and therefore due to the free entree of wellness theory in societal policy its to a large extent that it has influenced the bringing of public assistance services on a positive side and met with the demands of a changed and altering society clip to clip that s why Thatcher ganged that leveling it would hold merely invited the requital of electors. In add-on national insurance would hold shifted the seashore of Heath attention onto employers and therefore look intoing their resistance and it would hold undercut her scheme to pull inward investing and assistance fight through low labor costs. Hence why she alternatively brought market into the NHS itself that s why the 1989 white paper called for an internal market in the NHS dividing buyers from suppl iers. NHS infirmaries were granted independency from territory wellness governments and in extra to market reforms, the authorities besides granted NHS directors a scope of monitoring controls over physicians from occupation description to compulsory physician per reappraisal to guarantee that physicians provide more cost effectual attention. The authorities hoped that competition would nt merely give more efficient wellness attention bringing, but would besides devolve duty for NHS public presentation failures down to local buyers and suppliers. Thatcher s wellness attention reform therefore different from her policy towards province net incomes, related pension, her cautiousness in wellness policy was nt merely because the NHS was more expensive than other options, instead the political rise of exchanging to a new wellness attention system were considerable for the NHS was more than 30 old ages old of upon which most Briton s relied for wellness attention. On the other manus commu nity attention has been justified as being a more appropriate manner of looking after people with long term attention needs, there are jobs about the efficiency of the alterations brought approximately by the new system. For some people the system was proved to be more expensive and uneconomical than the institutional attention which used to be provided. High quality individualised attention in their ain places, with which most people agree, has non materialised ; commissariats are unevenly distributed around state depending on local governments and the NHS. Social security sometimes referred to as personal fiscal aid and income care, is alleviation of poorness, the construct is that people feel secure, this non merely involves being protected against want and adversities that may come about through alteration in fortunes. For case when persons or households are affected by illness, go unemployed, they should non be deprived or lose their ownerships, therefore the grounds why people on societal security are expected to hold material ownerships such as telecasting sets. Progressive redistribution that is horizontal supports people with unequal income from those who have more and even back up for kids by those without kids. The rule is non seen as charity, alternatively its viewed as a common co-operation which can be extended to the remainder of public assistance province.

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 Super Tips On How to Get Your Resume Noticed

5 Super Tips On How to Get Your Resume Noticed You’ve come of age in the era of social media. Which probably means you assume everything can be done online: networking, socializing, job applications. And that’s more or less true. But there’s one vestige of the old world that will still be crucial to you in finding yourself a satisfying job: a resume. Don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t need one. Everybody does. Do concern yourself with making sure your resume gets in the right hands. It doesn’t have to be perfect; you’ll likely tinker with it for the entirety of your career. But you need to start somewhere. Here are five tips for how to get your resume noticed and read, so you can get that job and get your start.1. Think like a computerYour cover letter and your interview need to be geared towards the human recruiters who’ll be reading it. Your resume, on the other hand, will probably be read first by a search engine. Keep that simple fact in mind and gear your document to get through the machines.2. OptimizePart of this strategy means using the right words to get through the computer programs that will sort your resume. Part of it is simply making sure you’re showing a hiring manager that you can do the job. Start by reverse-engineering the job description and peppering your resume with the keywords necessary to showcase your skills. You can also create a â€Å"core competencies† section at the top and listing your most valuable skills there. And if you have to cheat, and include keywords for skills you don’t quite have, you can try putting them in in white font, so computer searches will pick up on it, but human recruiters won’t see that text.3. Make it easyMake sure to get all the basics covered: school, major, GPA, objective. When writing your objective, err on the side of specifics. Don’t just say you want a great job doing great things; make sure to let the recruiter know you mean business. Be clear about th e location and the industry you’re looking for. Take the guess work out of it.4. Go electronic with your cover letterMore often than not, you’re going to need to email a cover letter rather than sending the traditional hard copy. Again, there’s no guarantee a human is going to see it. But you shouldn’t cut any corners all the same. Start with as personal an opening as possible- whether a friend referred you, or you have a mutual acquaintance, or you have a particular affinity for this particular position. Then use the rest of the message to contextualize the bullet points on your resume. Again, be as specific as possible.5. Think â€Å"means to an end†Your resume doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to do everything. But it does need to be attention-grabbing. And it needs to present your brand clearly and effectively to the people who will hire you. Be honest and showcase your unique qualities and talents and you’ll do f ine.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Company Story Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Company Story Analysis - Case Study Example If one day I decided to work in farming business, Westafrmers would appear as a perfect opportunity for me because they have managed to create an exceptional narrative besides the product of high quality. In every story it is necessary to know the beginning because it usually defines further development. One of the most noticeable points of Westfarmers is their incredible growth from a local enterprise with $2, 050 paid up capital to $ 50 billion capital. Thus, the company seems to be almost self-made starting from the basic if not say the lowest level of farmer`s business. I feel great respect to such businesses that manage to choose right product, find right people, and make them work for the benefit of mutual enterprise. The story of Westafarmers is therefore a story of a wise business which was accumulating knowledge and experience step by step to transform into an international business. The age of the company is also impressive- 100 hundred years which means that the business has survived numerous world crises and only increased its profit eventually. It means that ordeals and problems are not threatening to Westafarmers or that it managed to overcome them effectively. But what is actually the philosophy of the company? It is made by people who cherished unique culture adding new traditions and management techniques. It seems that Westafarmers appreciate the contribution of each and every worker because the Chairman uses the metaphor to describe his feeling from working there â€Å"standing on the shoulders of giants†1 which means that the foundation of Westfarmers is extremely solid, strong, and unbreakable that for him, a hundred years after the company establishment working there is pure pleasure. Westfarmers is also a great and capturing story as it gives the citizens of the country more than 200.000 working places. It means that the company sees itself as the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Muslim Insurgency in Thailand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Muslim Insurgency in Thailand - Essay Example Thailand - A Brief History: It is prudent to include a brief history of the country so as to analyze whether the present disturbances faced by the country has any its roots in its history. Thailand is credited to have been in existence from the late 1300's itself and till 1930, was known as the Siam. Even though, it is a constitutional monarchy, the country had its shares of coups and the last one had happened as late as September 2006. 95% of its population is Buddhist, with Muslims constituting a meagre 4.5% and other minority groups forming the rest. Its main source of income is through exports of electronics and machinery. Tourism too is a major revenue earner and Pattaya beach is a very popular tourist destination. It has a healthy per capita income of USD 3700 and an envious unemployment rate of only 1.5% of the labor force. "Thais date the founding of their nation to the 13th century." (Background Note: Thailand: Profile: History, 2008). The Ongoing insurgency in Thailand: Since 2001- the same year that Thaksin Shinawatra assumed the prime ministership of Thailand - the Southern provinces of Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat have been rocked by almost unprecedented violence. Although some accounts trace the cite January 4th, 2004 - the date of an attack on an army base in Narathiwat (which produced four deaths) and 20 school burnings - as the true start of the violence that has since continued unabated. In what amounts to the gravest political violence in Thailand's recent history, during 2004 and 2005 almost 2,000 separate assaults shook the three Southern promises and claimed more than 1,000 lives. Though Prime Minister Thaksin was celebrated by some for his "businesslike solutions" to various problems, following the January 2004 assaults, his government and forces responded to the violence with hard-line tactics that apparently including a number of covert, illicit actions on the parts of military and security person nel. Yet the imposition of martial law throughout the South and intense, heavy-handed policing tactics failed to staunch the deadly attacks. Indeed, the assaults appeared to become ever more sophisticated and more fatal. The roots of ongoing crisis date back more than 100 years to the prolonged fighting which led the annexation, in the early twentieth century, of the majority-Muslim Malay sultanate of Pattani into the Kingdom of Siam. Such analysts note that, for decades following the annexation, the Thai regime employed authoritarian policies intended to consolidate an expanded, Thai-dominated nation-state, moving aggressively to prevent Malay-Muslims from preserving their traditional cultural and ethnic identities. Perhaps not unsurprisingly, many Malay-Muslims resisted official policies that sought, in effect, to eradicate their traditions and clamored for separation from Thailand, but the Thai regime responded to that resistance with even fiercer and more repressive measures. Fr om the 1960s and into the late 1980s, "separatist" groups were active in the South, with levels of tension and violence reaching particularly high levels during the 1970s, when the so-called "separatist movement" reached a peak. During the 1980s, the Thai government under Prime Minister General Prem Tinsulanond initiated new policies towards

Saturday, November 16, 2019

New Enterprise Group Essay Example for Free

New Enterprise Group Essay Bob Chen came from the oriental culture. He was born in Hong Kong. He came to Canada to study and was eventually given the opportunity to work in one of the largest public accounting firms in Canada, James-Williams. As most Orientals, he was quiet and soft-spoken. He was not a straightforward person. He does not readily utter his exact opinions about a situation or a person. This courteous behavior of his had also apparently concealed most of his views about career and work. David Shorter, though not indicated in the case study, possesses the characteristics of a person hailed from or has a great grasp of the Canadian or Western culture. Being the Practice Manager of the New Enterprise Group at James-Williams for the past four years, he had undoubtedly been successful in handling many Canadian constituents under his management. Chen and Shorter had different approaches to management. Shorter believed that for an employee like Chen who has great potential, he has to take things step by step. Chen had expressed his desire to be a tax consultant and thus would like to receive tasks heading toward that direction. Shorter, however, explained that he still needs to do another year of auditing work to make him a more effective tax consultant. He also wanted to take advantage of Chen’s oriental background and would like to use him as linkage to attract Hong Kong clients. Aside from the shortage of senior auditors for that year, a longer auditing experience would help him better understand business problems which would be essential to his desired specialization. Chen, however, was insistent with his career plans. Shorter attempted a compromise by offering him an all-expense-paid tax training program as long as he agrees to spend another year in auditing. Chen rejected the offer and still pushed to be assigned to a tax partner. Shorter finally gave in and assigned Chen to Joe Silverman but Chen has to do some auditing still during his first year with Silverman. Chen, unlike Shorter, was not convinced in taking his career step-by-step. He thought another year of auditing work would only delay him from his desire to be a tax consultant. He was not agreeable to Shorter’s statement that to be an effective tax consultant, he would need to have ample experience as a senior auditor. He, however, had understood Shorter’s visions of attracting Hong Kong clients to the New Enterprise Group. Being able to speak in Chinese and familiar with their culture, he would be able to win their trust easily. But this, unfortunately, was not what he had planned to do in his career. Chen’s performance after his meeting with Shorter was not very satisfactory. It was an act of professional discourtesy not to express directly if he had accepted or rejected the audit task for Softdisk Computer Company. Personality-wise, he may be known not to be very vocal with his opinions or feelings. But professionally, this is very detrimental. Softdisk is one of the important clients of the New Enterprise Group. Important clients should be handled with much care as their trust and confidence to the accounting firm is what retains them as clients. Mike Mcleod who brought up the auditing project went through the proper channels to determine the senior auditor who was available and capable of doing the job. Chen was the only one available in September and October. According to Silverman, there were no tax work lined up for him yet and the job Mcleod was offering would also touch on some tax issues which would be a good experience for him. Chen had not been explicit in expressing his hesitation with the project. He nevertheless attended the physical inventory conducted by the client. This risked the relationship with the client even more. Softdisk had Chinese origins and upon finding out that Chen would be auditing for them, they were very pleased. Once Chen withdraws from this project and declares that he did not want to do the audit in the first place, the New Enterprise Group will be placed in a bad light. Worse, Softdisk may withdraw themselves as a regular client. Shorter, who was also responsible in attracting and maintaining clients, would not find this very acceptable. He would give a failing evaluation to Chen for his professionalism. One of the factors to this evaluation would be his hesitation to the project which had no supporting grounds. First of all, as per task scheduling, he was available during the auditing period for Softdisk. He had also agreed to still perform auditing tasks though he had been assigned already to a tax partner. Other factors would be his being quiet with his hesitations and showing up to the client despite his uncertainties. Losing Softdisk as a client would be a big blow to Shorter and to the New Enterprise Group. The bad image may also eventually reflect to James-Williams as a company which was regarded as one of the most respected accounting firms in Canada. Chen’s behavior and the misunderstanding that transpired between him and his colleagues may also be reflective of a cross-cultural conflict. Individuals with oriental upbringing like Chen are not straightforward people like most Canadians or Westerners. They usually choose to be quiet out of courtesy or being polite to the other party. Being in a foreign land also makes them sensitive to racial discrimination issues. It is possible that Chen may have also perceived Shorter’s recommendation to take one more year in auditing as an underestimation of his capability to move forward as a tax consultant, reason enough for him to be insistent to be placed in a tax assignment. Chen’s colleagues who may not have understood how Oriental people do and perceive things may have taken this behavior against Chen. They may have also overlooked other factors while pushing Chen to take the project. For example, Chen may be by nature a very serious worker that when he accepts a particular project, he does not accept any project unless he is sure that he can finish it to its end and with good quality at that. Chen mentioned that he was currently working with the audit for a film company. This was, according to him, the reason for his hesitation with Softdisk as he did not want to leave his current project unfinished or to jeopardize it. And because he was not so vocal about his opinions and feelings, his colleagues had interpreted this as a deliberate rejection to projects and being very picky about them. Understanding the working styles, career perceptions, cultural norms and behaviors is a major challenge for managers who have subordinates coming from different cultural origins. There may already be barriers primarily in communication. Interaction may be difficult between a native of the country and a foreigner who educated himself to understand and speak the native language. Meanings may be different and may become the usual cause of misinterpretation or misunderstanding between colleagues. It is also unavoidable for some foreigners to manifest their own culture and beliefs when they communicate or work with others. There are some cultures which always exhibit themselves as dominant and aggressive. Some are quiet and not very vocal about their opinions and feelings like Chen. Others also appear very defensive when in front of individuals from other cultures especially there had been a history of discrimination against them. Because of some inherent beliefs, culture also affects one’s confidence in decisions made by the company. The subordinate may register agreement or display quiet hesitation to the decision. Without proper communication channels, opinion differences may lead to loss of confidence to the company or interest to work. For these cultural differences that may eventually evolve to office conflict, managers have to be very careful when communicating, giving out statements and mandating decisions to their subordinates. Statements and decisions should be seen as based from actual facts, from democratic discussions and not from subjective, biased ideas. It is also recommended for managers to learn something about the cultural backgrounds of their subordinates. A manager should always be a step ahead of his subordinates. He should be aware of their thinking processes, goals and working styles. With this knowledge, he can also implement appropriate techniques to motivate them and to criticize them when necessary. Not everybody in the company may perceive a colleague from a different cultural background as an equal. It is then the responsibility of the manager to mandate cultural equality in the office. He may create policies like for any display of cultural discrimination would mean an evaluation of unprofessionalism. Proper communication is a very crucial factor in resolving cross-cultural conflict. Professionally, managers and subordinates may adjust with each other so they can together meet certain goals. As in the case of Chen and his colleagues, misunderstanding may have been avoided if the communication lines had remained open. Chen would have vocalized his hesitancy to the Softdisk project before it came to the point of putting the relationship with the client at risk. Mcleod and Silverman would have been able to make some adjustments as well in due time. Similarly, Chen would have retained his professional stature in the company and not find himself unworthy in his position in the New Enterprise Group.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The friar - An Analysis Essay -- Essays Papers

The friar - An Analysis Character Analysis The Friar-- Humble Shepherd or Crafty Wolf? Chaucer was known for his ironic descriptions of various sojourners in the Canterbury Tales . The description given to the Friar in the "General Prologue" does not stray from Chaucer’s trademark. The Friar is described as a "limitour" [begs on the behalf of the poor], yet we see that he is a bachelor on a love hunt, a crooked businessman and does complete his duties as a Friar. The Friar knows many beautiful women, many affluent men, and rarely associates with the class of people he should live among. The Friar’s duties were to live among the poor, to beg on their behalf and to give his earnings to aid their struggle for livelihood. However, Chaucer allows the reader to see the true character of the Friar. He knows: â€Å"so muche of daliance and fair language..† (Norton 211). This no doubt is a way to woo women with sweet words and a crafty tongue. This strategy is also in lines 265-266: â€Å"somwhat he lipsed for his wantounesse to make his English sweete upon his tongue... † This was repeated in lines 215-217: â€Å"Ful wel biloved and familer was he..... with the worthy wommen of the town-" A Friar’s duties was not supposed to flirt with the women of the town but to beg for poor. The Friar, using what money he has earned â€Å"his tipet was ay farsed ful of knives and pinnes for to yiven faire wives..† (233-234). This states that he buys gifts for women as well. The Friar, as it turns out, is not begging for money to appease his goal to fee d the poor, but rather is wooing women to appease his flesh! The Friar is not just a ladies' man under the guise of a humanitarian, he is also a crooked businessman. He uses his position in the church to get... ...on, E. Talbot, et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York. W.W. Norton & Company,  © 1993 Provided by The Free Site. Online. Internet. 14 Dec 1998. Gowen, Barry. Online. Internet. 14 Dec 1998. March Hare © 1998. Online. Internet. 15 Dec 1998. Millersville Univesity. Online. Internet. 15 Dec 1998. Harvard University. Online. Internet. 15 Dec 1998. Deluxe Ellesmere manuscript of the Canterbury Tales, housed in the Huntington Library, in San Marino, California. 21 Dec 1998.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Reactivity of Mg and Ca Essay

Introduction The aim of this practical is to observe the difference in the reactivity between Mg and Ca when hot and cold water is added. Hypothesis We think they will react in some kind of form. Variables The independent variable was the temperature of the water and also the quantity of metal use in the experiment and the dependent variable was the reaction. Equipment * Mg (s) * Ca (s) * Phenolphthalein * Beaker * Cold and hot water * Sandpaper * Test tubes with rack Procedure 1. The Magnesium was cleaned with sandpaper. 2. Two pieces of magnesium was put into two test tubes and two pieces of calcium was put into two test tubes. 3. Cold water was added into two test tubes one with calcium one with magnesium. 4. Two droplets of phenolphalein were added in each of the test tubes filled with cold water to observe the change in ph. 5. Water was heated over a Benson burner and poured into the two test tubes without water while observing the reactions. 6. Two droplets of phenolphalein were added in each of the test tubes filled with cold water to observe the change in ph. Observation Relative reactivity of Cold water Hot water Mg There was a minimum reaction. Fig. 1 There is a bigger reaction than with the cold water. Fig. 2 Ca The temperature of the water increases right away. Before we dropped the phenolphthalein the solution was white, fig.3, but after adding the phenolphthalein it turned pink, fig.4, which means that the reaction is basic. The temperature stayed the same but because the water was hot the reaction was more explosive and quicker. Before the phenolphthalein the solution was white, fig.3, and after dropping the phenolphthalein it turned pink, fig.4, which means that is a basic solution. Results Are your results in accordance with what you have learned about reactivity? Yes because calcium has more orbits the atom has the less energy it needs to give away electrons. In this case the atom that has more orbits is the calcium that is why it reacts more than the magnesium because calcium needs less energy to give electrons away. And the magnesium didn’t react much because it needs more energy that the one that we gave it. Write the balanced equation for the reaction between Mg and H2O: Mg (s) + H2O (l) MgO (s) + H2 (g) Uncertainties Other element might have been present. The hot water might have been heated more. Conclusion We learned that both magnesium and calcium is basic solutions because of the pink tint to the color. We also learned that calcium reacted faster than magnesium.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

An Analysis of Project Networks as Resource Planning Tools

An Analysis of Project Networks as Resource Planning Tools| Usage and availability of resources are essential considerations when establishing Project Networks in Resource Planning. This analysis has focused on some of the risks of certain actions used to offset resource constraints, advantages/disadvantages for reducing project scope, and options/advantages/disadvantages for reducing project duration. If implemented correctly, careful consideration of the outlined risks will make managing a project a little less painless. | Following is an analysis of project networks as resource planning tools.The analysis will be segmented into three topical areas to include: * Risks associated with leveling resources, compressing, or crashing projects, and imposed durations or â€Å"catch-up† as the project is being implemented; * Advantages and disadvantages for reducing project scope to accelerate a project and what can be done to reduce the disadvantages * Three options for reducing pro ject duration and advantages and disadvantages to these options Risks Associated with Leveling Resources, Compressing, or Crashing Projects, and Imposed Durations or â€Å"Catch-Up† The text (Gray and Larson, 2008) gives good definitions for the risks associated with certain actions used to offset resource constraints. The act or process of evening out â€Å"resource demand by delaying noncritical activities (using slack) to lower peak demand† (Gray and Larson, 2008) is considered leveling resources.This action ultimately increases the resource utilization, which is more than likely the desired result. Even though one may get the desired results resource-wise, leveling resources often results in pushing out the end-date of a project. In most cases, that is the extreme outcome. Another risk that bears its head when slack is reduced, is loss of flexibility which equates to an increase in critical activities. Without slack anywhere in a project network, ALL activities bec ome critical. This means that everything has to fall perfectly in place in order to stay on the prescribed timeline. Compressing a schedule means that you will be conducting project activities in parallel. Compressing is not applicable to all project activities.A good example can be seen if you have activities labeled â€Å"Hire Workers† and â€Å"Dig Foundation†. You can’t implement the â€Å"Hire Workers† and â€Å"Dig Foundation† activities in parallel because to dig a foundation you need to have someone to do the digging. (brighthub. com/office/project-management/articles/51684. aspx#ixzz0ongX7ECF, 20 May 2010). Risks of compressing include: * Increases risk of rework * Increases communications challenges, and may * Require more resources Crashing a schedule involves allocating more resources so that an activity can be completed on time or before time, assuming that by deploying more resources the activity can be completed earlier.One good aspe ct about crashing a schedule (just like compressing), you do not need to crash all activities. The activities that impact the schedule are those with no slack, thus being the only ones that are affected. Risks associated with this action are as follows: â€Å"Budget: Since you allocated more resources, you will not deliver the project on-budget. Demoralization: Existing resources may get demoralized by the increase in people to complete activities that were originally assigned to them. Coordination: More resources translates to an increase in communication challenges† (brighthub. com/office/project-management/articles/51684. aspx#ixzz0onfuKUmj, 20 May 2010).These risks combined or by themselves can ultimately pose the overall risk of reducing the effectiveness of the existing resources. Advantages and Disadvantages for Reducing Project Scope to Accelerate a Project and what can be Done to Reduce the Disadvantages Reducing the scope of the project can lead to big savings both in time and costs. It typically means the elimination of certain tasks. At the same time scaling down the scope may reduce the value of the project such that it is no longer worthwhile or fails to meet critical success factors. An advantage to reducing project scope is the project is more likely to stay on schedule and on budget. It also allows for more focus being applied to the remaining deliverables in the project scope.A disadvantage that may arise is loss of quality in work due to key quality deliverables selected to be cut in order to balance the timeline of the project. The key to offsetting the disadvantages is â€Å"reassessing the project requirements to determine which are essential and which are optional. This requires the active involvement of all key stakeholders. More intense re-examination of requirements may actually improve the value of the project by getting it done more quickly and for a lower cost. † (just answer. com 21 May 2010) Three Options for Reduci ng Project Duration and Advantages and Disadvantages to these Options Reducing the duration a project can be managed by reducing the duration of an activity/activities almost always results in higher direct cost.When the duration of a critical activity is reduced, the project’s critical path can be change with other activities and that new path will determine the new project completion date. Following are three options to reducing project duration. Adding Resources: This is a popular method to reduce project time by assigning additional staff and equipment to activities-if it is assessed appropriately. The activities at hand need to be researched accordingly and proper determinations of how much time will be saved prior to just throwing bodies at it. The first thing that comes to mind when you add resources is â€Å"double the resources, reduce the length of the project in half.The unforeseen disadvantage that arises is the increase in the amount of time that an existing tea m member must spend in explaining what has been done already and what is planned. This increases the overall communication time spent by the team which phenomenally ends up adding/losing valuable time. Outsourcing Project work: A common method for shortening the project time is to subcontract an activity. The subcontract may have access to superior technology or expertise that will accelerate the completion of the activity (Gray and Larson, 2008). Additionally, significant cost reduction, and flexibility can be gained when a company outsources (Gray and Larson, 2008).Disadvantages that may be experienced are conflict due to contrasting interpersonal interactions and internal morale issues if the work has normally been done in-house (Gray and Larson, 2008). Scheduling Overtime: The easiest way to add more labor to a project is not to add more people, but to schedule overtime. The www. businesslink. gov outlines potential advantages of using overtime working include: * a more flexible workforce * the ability to deal with bottlenecks, busy periods, cover of absences and  staff shortages without the need to recruit extra staff * increased earning for employees * avoidance of disruption to jobs where the workload is more difficult to share,  e. g. ransport and driving * the ability to carry out  repair and maintenance which has to be done outside normal working hours However, disadvantages may include: * the expense of premium overtime rates * inefficiency if employees slacken their pace of work in order to qualify for overtime * regular long working hours, which  can adversely affect employees' work, health and home lives * fatigue, which  may increase absence levels and lead to unsafe working practices * employee expectations of overtime, leading to resentment and inflexibility if you try to withdraw it. (businesslink. gov, 22 May 2010) Conclusion Usage and availability of resources are essential considerations when establishing Project Networks in Reso urce Planning.This analysis has focused on some of the risks of certain actions used to offset resource constraints, advantages/disadvantages for reducing project scope, and options/advantages/disadvantages for reducing project duration. If implemented correctly, careful consideration of the outlined risks will make managing a project a little less painless. References Brighthub. com. Difference Between Schedule Crashing and Compressing, Retrieved 20 May, 2010 http://www. brighthub. com/office/project-management/articles/51684. aspx#ixzz0onfuKUmj Brighthub. com. When to Crash or Compress a Schedule, Retrieved 20 May 2010 http://www. brighthub. com/office/project-management/articles/51684. aspx#ixzz0onfuKUmj Read also: Conveyor Belt Project